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EIU Historia

Historia 1992 cover

Editors: Mark G. Schmeltzer and Vernon A. McGuffee II. 

Copy Editors: Jeanine L. Reardon and Cheryl E. Munyer

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anita K. Shelton 

Cover Design: Mark G. Schmeltzer 

Our Thanks to: Joy Cropper, EIU History Department, Dr. Newton Key, Dr. Roger Beck & especially to Dr. Anita Shelton


Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution: An Alternative to Socialism in one Country?

Eva Dragosits

The Issue of Messianism as an Historical Motive in Russian and Soviet Expansion

Mark G. Schmeltzer

Cheating Nature

George Tiller

Liberty or Absolutism?:  A Brief Study into the Course of Freedom During the Reign of Charles II

Vernon A. McGuffee II

A Brief Historiography of Immigration:  From Romance to Tragedy, 

Melissa S. Wright

An Interview with Michael Cook Historical Administration Coordinator

Dr. Anita Shelton's "Women in Russia's History"


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