Community traditions & Events
Fraternity & Sorority Life Interest Fair
Greek Week
Greek Week is an annual spring semester tradition that unites all fraternity and sorority life members to promote community pride while engaging in meaningful community service and fun team-building events. Fraternities and sororities team up to compete in athletic, service, and educational events. Airband is a series of short performances that showcase the talent, innovation, passion, and creativity of the fraternity men and sorority women at EIU. Chapters assemble in their Greek Week pairings to perform choreographed dances, act and sing to popular songs. All performances are focused around a central theme that is also used for Greek Week. Tugs is a series of events where chapters Tugs teams participate in a Tug of War competition across the campus pond. Chapters train for months for this time-honored tradition. Greek Week, Airband, and Tugs are the EIU’s Fraternity & Sorority Community’s largest annual events.
Greek Week InfoMeet the Greeks
Every fall semester, NALFO and NPHC come together to host Meet the Greeks, a picnic and stroll-off event that provides students with the opportunity to engage with fraternity and sorority members from all chapters in an informal setting. This event allows students to learn more about each organization, as they witness the traditions of stepping, strolling, and saluting that showcase the distinct culture of each group.
Greek 101
Every semester, students are invited to meet the active members of NALFO and NPHC chapters and discover their values, missions, recruitment processes, and timelines for joining each semester. Learn how to become a member of these organizations and get all the information you need to take the next step in your Greek journey.
FSL Excellence Awards
In order to assist fraternity and sorority chapters in complementing the academic mission of the university, building relationships, fostering lifelong friendships, giving back to the community, and developing leadership and character in affiliated members, the Fraternity and Sorority Excellence Awards were developed. FSL Excellence Awards are expectations of chapter operations, recruitment & retention, philanthropy & community service, leadership & membership development, inter-fraternal relations & campus involvement, and academic achievement that all chapters should be meeting.
Chapters of the Year
Chapter of the Year is awarded to four chapters, one from each council, who achieve the highest total points among their council peers.
2023 Chapter of the Year Winners:
- Interfraternity Council: Sigma Phi Epsilon
- Panhellenic Council: Alpha Gamma Delta
- National Pan-Hellenic Council: No chapter submissions
- NALFO: No chapter submission
Fraternity & Sorority Review Board
The FSRB provides assistance with disciplinary issues within our community. FSRB is composed of leaders from across all councils and provides a peer-to-peer accountability review board to hear and adjudicate conduct cases impacting the fraternity and sorority community. This leadership opportunity is a great way to gain experience if interested in law, justice studies, judicial officer, or standards chair. Work on your interview and resume skills and feel prepared to share your FSL experience with recruiters and employers.
Order of Omega
The Order of Omega is an undergraduate FSL society recognizing fraternity and sorority members who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-fraternity activities. Participation in this organization allows you to further your leadership and professional development, work on your interview and resume skills and feel prepared to share your FSL experience with recruiters and employers.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Calendar
This contains events that are hosted by our EIU Fraternity and Sorority Life community!