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EIU Department of English

Career Paths for English Majors:


When most people think of editing, they think of big publishing houses that produce bestsellers. These jobs, which are very competitive and concentrated in just a few major cities, are just one part of the picture. Other editors work for the same kinds of employers that hire professional writers: businesses, universities, and nonprofit agencies. At EIU, English majors interested in working as editors often choose the emphasis in Professional Writing.

Our alumni have worked as editors at newspapers and for businesses in Chicago and elsewhere.

The employment outlook: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014 there were 117,200 people in salaried positions as editors. The field is projected to decline slightly through 2024. * To succeed in a competitive marketplace, our graduates usually find it's useful to combine their editing skills with strong writing and social media skills as well.

Does this sound like you? Most editors are very detail-oriented, with a strong command of language and grammar. They have good research skills and enjoy fact-checking. Editors also need to be able to communicate clearly and tactfully with authors and with others involved in the process of planning, preparing, and producing publications.


*All data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics cited on this page come from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is available and searchable online.

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Department of English

600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2428
Fax: (217) 581-7209

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