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EIU Campus Advising Network

Degree Works - FAQs

Q: What is Degree Works?

Degree Works is an online advising tool to help advisers monitor students’ progress toward degree completion. Degree Works matches students’ coursework (completed, currently enrolled, or registered for in the future) to degree requirements in an easy-to-read worksheet that shows how the courses count toward degree requirements.

Q: Who can use Degree Works?

Degree Works is available to all students. Advisers, faculty advisers, and selected staff also have access for the purpose of supporting and directing a students’ progress through their degree programs.

Q: Do students register for classes with Degree Works?

No, students may register online only through PAWS.

Q: How current is the information in Degree Works?

The information in Degree Works updates every 24 hours.

Q: What is a degree audit?

A Degree Works audit is a curriculum evaluation separated into different blocks of requirements, such as general education, major, minor, concentration, and other requirements. Each block within the audit works as a checklist with boxes that are checked when a requirement is met. The audit provides an overview of a students’ progress in meeting their academic program’s requirements.

Q: Does the degree audit provide a list of all courses taken?

Yes, the “worksheet” tab provides an overview of all courses taken, and whether those courses fulfill a requirement of the degree.

Q: Does the degree audit provide a way to change majors?

No. Students need to consult their adviser for those changes.

Q: Will the degree audit contain transfer work and AP credit?

Yes, as long as College Board scores have been submitted, and/ or Official transcripts from any external institutions have been sent to the University for evaluation and posting.

Q: Will the degree audit show what courses to take?

Degree audits will outline courses needed to meet degree, major, minor, concentration requirements within each block. A consolidated list of courses not yet completed is shown by selecting Registration Checklist from the Worksheets menu. Students may then use this information to discuss their plan with the Academic Adviser.

Q: Why do some courses in the degree audit list as “insufficient”?

All withdrawn courses, courses with grades of 0.0, or any repeated courses will show under the ‘Insufficient’ heading. Note that any repeated lower grade courses, though excluded from the GPA calculation on a transcript, still appear here, but are now identified by zero credits.

Q: Why would an audit appear to be incorrect?

The major is wrong on the audit. If the major has been officially changed, the Degree Works audit will display only the active degree audit. If the major change is effective for a future term, the change will not reflect until that term.

The requirements for the major are wrong. Note the Catalog Year that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. This information, pulled from the student’s official academic record, indicates which Catalog the student is following to complete. Contact the certifying officer in the appropriate college to update a catalog year.

Transfer courses do not appear in the right place. If there are concerns about a transfer course that should be applied in the audit, contact the college’s certifying officer.

Courses are not applying in the right place. Degree Works uses a “best fit” approach to meet requirements, so classes may apply to different sections as courses are taken. Academic advisers and certifying officers can assist in getting courses to fulfill the requirements needed.

A Department Chairperson/Adviser gave permission to substitute a course, but it’s not showing on the audit. Check with the Department Chairperson/Advisor to be sure the proper paperwork has been completed and submitted to the college’s certifying officer. Once substitutions are entered, and a new audit has been run, the change will appear on the audit.

The minor or concentration is missing from the audit. Minors and concentrations must be officially declared, students should check with their college’s certifying officer to ensure this was done.

Q: When should a student or adviser review a degree audit?

  • Before registration for an upcoming semester
  • After students register to ensure that the courses apply to program requirements
  • After grades are posted for each semester
  • Any time changes are made to a course schedule or major
  • A degree audit can be viewed at any time; however, it is recommended to do so at least four times a semester

Q: How is a degree audit different from a transcript?

The degree audit is a tool to provide academic information related to degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in the degree program. The official transcript is the student’s official University academic record, and provides a chronological list of courses and degrees completed.

Q: What does the @ symbol mean in the degree audit?

This is a wild card in Degree Works. For example, if the @ sign is followed by course numbers (@ 1000:1999), it means that you may take a course in any subject area within the specified course number range. In this case, any 1000 level course in any subject area is allowed.

Q: What does the “what-if” function provide?

The “What-If” option on the Audits tab will create an audit based on requirements for another degree program. Be sure to select a Degree, Catalog Year, and Major, along with any corresponding Minors or Concentrations. What-If audits do not guarantee that students will be able to major in the area selected.

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