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EIU Campus Advising Network

Bylaws of the Eastern Illinois University Campus Advising Network

(Last Updated March, 2019)


Article I. Name and Acronym

The name of this committee is the Campus Advising Network. The official acronym of this committee is CAN. CAN membership is open to any EIU academic advisor or anyone whose role at EIU is integral to the advising mission.


Article II. Goals

The goals of the Campus Advising Network (CAN) are: 

To provide leadership in creating an academic advising community at Eastern Illinois University.  

To provide and maintain an information and resource clearinghouse of information concerning changes in prerequisites, general education and program requirements, certification procedures and criteria, course offerings, transfer course equivalencies, etc.

To develop resource materials to be used by academic advisors at Eastern Illinois University.

To develop, organize and promote professional development and training activities for academic advisors and those affiliated with academic advising.

To facilitate the mentoring of new advisors.

To foster collegial working relationships between professional and faculty academic advisors.

To serve as advocates for advisors and students, advising CAA, COTE, and other bodies on the practical effects of rule and program changes.


Article III. Membership

Eligibility. Membership is open to all academic advisors from each of the four colleges, the certifying deans in each college, professional advisors and academic support staff across campus that perform and support the academic advising mission at EIU.

Rights. All members shall be eligible to hold office, and attend meetings of CAN and are entitled to all the services and benefits provided by CAN.


Article IV. Steering Committee

Composition and Tenure

The CAN Steering Committee shall be comprised of one representative from each of the four academic colleges (Liberal Arts and Sciences, Health and Human Services, Education, and Business and Technology), the Director of Academic Advising, one representative from the certifying deans, one Technology representative, a representative from Athletics, a representative from New Student and Family Programs, and a representative from the Office of the Registrar and a secretary.

The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a month during the academic year. Members shall serve for a term of three years and may serve longer based on interest and time commitments. No member can represent more than one area, except the secretary.

In case of vacancy, resignation, or removal of any member of the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee shall announce the vacancy and solicit from the CAN membership nominations for a new Steering Committee member, chosen from the appropriate area, to fill the vacated seat. Self-nominations shall be allowed. After considering all nominations, the Steering Committee shall appoint a new member to fill the remainder of the term.

Officers and Duties

The Chair of the Steering Committee is the Director of Advising in the Academic Success Center. When the three-year term is ending and at the final meeting of the Steering Committee during Spring Semester, the Steering Committee shall elect a Vice-Chair for the following academic year. These positions take effect immediately upon convening of the next Steering Committee meeting. In case of vacancy, resignation, or removal of the Vice-Chair, the Steering Committee shall elect a new Vice-Chair from the Steering Committee.

The Chair shall:

Preside over meetings of the Steering Committee; Appoint committees and their chairpersons; Communicate with the administration about the business of CAN; Prepare and submit an annual report; Call meetings of the Steering Committee; and, Coordinate the CAN mission, goals, and initiatives.

The Vice-Chair shall:

Serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair; Duties of the Vice-Chair may be assumed by another Steering Committee meeting while the Vice-Chair serves as Chair; Maintain a membership list (directory).

The Secretary shall:

Record minutes of each meeting; Record attendance at meetings.

The Steering Committee's Technology Representative shall:

Maintain the CAN Website and its resource materials.


Officers and members of the Steering Committee may be removed for just cause by a vote of the majority of the Steering Committee.


Article V. Committees

Committees of CAN may be established by the Steering Committee as deemed necessary.

Membership in committees is open to all CAN members and will be chaired by a member of the Steering Committee. The Chair will keep the Steering Committee updated.


Article VI. Campus-wide Advisor Meetings

Meetings of campus wide advisors shall be held at least once in the Fall Semester and once in the Spring Semester at a date, time, and location established by the CAN Steering Committee and in collaboration with the Academic Success Center. In addition, special meetings and/or conferences may also be held.


Article VII. Amendments to the Bylaws

Any member of the Steering Committee may submit a proposed amendment to the bylaws to the Chair of the Steering Committee. The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing. The Chair will have responsibility of publishing the proposed change to the membership, with voting to take place no sooner than one month following such announcement. Amendments to the bylaws must be ratified by a vote of at least five members of the Steering Committee.

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Academic Advising

McAfee Gym - Room 1110
(217) 581-2313

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