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EIU Booth Library

Questions about Interlibrary Loan

How to Borrow items not found in the Booth Library collection

As no one library can own all of the world's published literature, Booth Library offers an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service to its students, staff, and faculty. Through the Interlibrary Loan service, Booth Library's patrons (EIU faculty, staff, and students) can access millions of items owned by its I-Share partners and other consortia libraries. Submit requests for these materials from the online catalog, by web forms, or by paper form. It's simple and easy to do!

1)   What types of materials can I obtain by Interlibrary Loan?

2)   How long does it take?
3)   How can I get the items faster?
4)   How do I request an item by Interlibrary Loan?
5)   How will I be notified when my requests arrive?
6)   Where do I pick-up and return ILL materials?
7)   How long can I keep the items I get by Interlibrary Loan?
8)   How can I renew my ILL items?
9)   How much does it cost?
10)  What are my responsibilities as a user of ILL?
11)  How can I track my requests?

1) What types of materials can I obtain by Interlibrary Loan?

Any types of materials that normally circulate from libraries are available by Interlibrary Loan. Using Booth Library's Interlibrary Loan a patron can get books, photocopies of articles, some videos and DVDs, dissertations, some microfilms, and reports.

2) How long does it take?

Books : it usually takes 7 to 14 days to get books by ILL.

Articles : it usually takes 7 to 14 days to get articles by ILL

It may take longer during peak periods. Please give yourself plenty of time to get items by ILL. Booth Library tries to supply ILL requests as quickly as possible, but time is needed for the request to be ordered and the materials to be shipped from the lending library.

If you need information on a topic right away please speak to the reference librarians and they can help you find information on your topic that is available in our library.

In rush circumstances, please speak to the ILL staff for further information.

3) How can I get the items faster?

There are several things you can do to make the ILL requests arrive sooner.

First, search Booth Library's catalog and Periodicals List, to make sure we do not already own the item.

Second, for books we do not own, search the holdings of the 85 I-Share libraries using the link at I-Share. Submit your ILL requests using the request form in that catalog. For help contact the reference librarians.

Third, submit requests using the ILL links within the databases or complete the web-based online forms, rather than using the paper forms.

Fourth, do not use abbreviations on the paper forms. Put in the full title of the journal rather than the short abbreviations. Contact the reference librarians for help determining the full title of a journal.

4) How do I request an item by Interlibrary Loan?

ILL has many ways to request materials.

To request a book, search the holdings of the 85 I-Share libraries using the link at I-Share . Submit your ILL requests using the request form in that catalog. Another method is to request books by the WorldCat database using the ILL form. We also have a web-based form on the library website that can be used and traditional paper forms.

To request an article, search the library's databases and locate the citation you want. If available, complete the ILL form and submit the request directly to the Interlibrary Loan department. We also have web-based online forms on the library website that can be used as well as the traditional paper forms.

For help using the online request forms please contact the reference librarians.

5) How will I be notified when my requests arrive?

The library will notify you by email issued by EIU only when the materials have arrived and are ready to be picked-up.

6) Where do I pick-up and return ILL materials?

ILL materials should be picked up and returned at the Booth Library circulation desk.

However, if you are an Off-Campus Student, you may have ILL materials delivered to a CARLI I-Share Library near you for pick-up and return.  Look for the [Choose pick-up location] box as you complete an I-Share Interlibrary Loan Request.

7) How long can I keep the items I get by Interlibrary Loan?

The loan period for ILL materials varies by the type of item and the library that loans us the item. Please check the date on the book bands placed on the loaned materials.

Photocopied materials, such as copies of articles, do not have to be returned to the library.

8) How can I renew my ILL items?

ILL materials borrowed from other I-Share libraries (the books with the blue bands) can be renewed by the patron using the “My Account” feature on the library web page. Other ILL Materials (the books with the white bands) can be renewed by calling the ILL department at 217-581-6074.

9) How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the Interlibrary Loan service.

10) What are my responsibilities as a user of ILL?

Patrons who obtain ILL materials must return or renew the materials by the specified due date. Failure to return/renew the materials will result in fees and your EIU library privileges being blocked until the items are returned.

Further, the patron must obey all copyright legislation and adhere to the restrictions placed on the items. A few ILL items will restricted to “in-library use only” or “no photocopying.”

11) How can I track my requests?

ILL requests that have been submitted using I-Share can be tracked by using the “My Account” feature on the library web site. For other requests please contact the ILL unit for information. The ILL phone number is 217-581-6074 and the email is

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