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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#7 - Benefits - Vacation Leave

Approved: July 24, 1997

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

Vacation leave is provided for employees' use in renewing their physical, psychological and mental vigor; maintaining their enthusiasm for their work; and satisfying personal needs. Leave design contemplates that leave be used in sizable amounts for vacation and rest, while reserving small increments for personal and family reasons.

Vacation leave benefits are accrued in accordance with Board of Trustees Regulations or collective bargaining agreements. The following guidelines are intended to supplement those regulations and agreements.

  1. Supervisors shall encourage employees' use of vacation leave. Supervisors shall ensure that departmental operating requirements are met, but shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate employee requests for preferred vacation schedules. Supervisory approval is required prior to use of vacation leave.
  2. Vacation leave accrual records are maintained in the Department of Human Resources. These records are the only official basis on which vacation with pay may be granted. Accurate reporting of vacation leave usage shall be the responsibility of the supervisor. Employees are individually responsible for reporting use of their vacation benefits to their supervisors.
  3. For administrative personnel in temporary appointments (appointments that have a specified beginning and ending date), vacation leave (if any) earned during such appointments shall be subject to Board Regulations.
  4. Employees transferring from one position to another within the University shall take their accumulated vacation leave to their new positions. In cases where the maximum balances would be exceeded, the employee will be encouraged to use the excess vacation leave within twelve months. Usage should be reported to the Department of Human Resources as it occurs.
  5. Failure to report vacation leave in accordance with proper time reporting procedures may be cause for disciplinary action.

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