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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#182 - Directory Information, Personal Data, Lists and Labels for Students and Employees

Approved: August 4, 2008

Nomenclature changes: July 9, 2014

Monitor: President

This policy explains the circumstances under which the University will release personal information concerning its students and employees.

Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as restricting the access to public information under the laws of the State of Illinois.

Copies of student and/or employee directories published by the University may be made available to anyone upon request, within the limitations of available copies.


Student Directory Information shall include various items of information contained in the education record of a student which are permitted to be disclosed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and which shall be identified in the annual FERPA notification issued by the university Registrar.

Employee Directory Information shall include: name, department or office, campus address, home address, EIU e-mail address, office telephone number, and home telephone number (unless unlisted).

Official business shall be only those duties, activities and functions which are required for the operation of the University. The definition of the official business of any employee or department is that approved by the President or appropriate Vice President.

Student Lists and Labels

The release and use of all personal information concerning students shall be in accordance with FERPA and the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.

Lists and/or labels containing student directory information or other personal information concerning students shall be made available only to University employees for official business unless otherwise required by law.

With the written approval of the Vice President for University Advancement or designee, lists of student names and addresses may be provided to members of the Illinois General Assembly, public officials and announced candidates for election to such offices. The public official must pay the costs incurred in providing the lists.

Lists and/or labels of student directory information, other than published directories, shall not be made available for charitable solicitations, for any commercial purpose, or to any commercial organization including, but not limited to, financial institutions, real estate agencies, and insurance companies.

Employee Lists and Labels

Lists and labels containing University employee information, other than directory information, may be made available only to University employees for official business. Requests must be approved by the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee.

Lists and/or labels of employee directory information, other than published directories, shall not be made available for: charitable solicitations, for any commercial purpose, or to any commercial organization including, but not limited to, financial institutions, real estate agencies, and insurance companies.

Data Release Agreement

Each request by University employees for lists and/or labels concerning University students and/or employees shall contain the following Data Release Agreement. The appropriate University official making the request shall be required to sign the following agreement before the request is honored.

I understand that I am responsible for the use of the personal data requested and that the release and use of student personal information must be in compliance with the Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act (FERPA) and the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, as applicable. I agree: (1) that student/employee data requested will be used under my supervision solely for official purposes, (2) that data requested will not be sold or given away, (3) that the data will not be made available in original or reproduced form to persons or organizations outside my jurisdiction and/or assigned authority, and (4) that the data will not be used for commercial purposes. I understand further that the University may code data lists and labels to determine responsibility in instances of alleged abuse.

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