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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#108 - Purchasing

Approved: September 27, 2012

Nomenclature changes: August 21, 2024

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs


The Director of Procurement Services is responsible for all purchasing activity at the University including vendor selection, bidding, product testing, purchase orders, contract administration, and the Purchasing Card (P-Card) Program. All purchasing activity, regardless of source of funds, must adhere to this policy.

All purchases must be made in accordance with University policies and procedures, the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500 et seq.), and the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) Administrative Code. Other restrictions may be imposed for purchases from certain accounts such as grants.

The University does not assume any responsibility for purchases, charges, or contractual arrangements that have not been made in accordance with established policies and procedures.

Financial Managers are responsible for ensuring that purchases are used for University-related purposes and that sufficient funds exist within the budget prior to initiating a charge using a purchasing method described below. More information on the Budget Transfer/Increase/Decrease Process can be found on the Budget Office website.

Purchase of the following items shall not be permitted without prior approval (see specific policy relating to each):

  1. Flowers and gifts
  2. Alcoholic beverages
  3. Food and beverages
  4. Computer equipment and software
  5. Printing
  6. Motor vehicles

Approval Requirements

The following administrative approvals shall be required for purchases at the dollar levels indicated:

Less than $10,000.00
Approval of Financial Manager, Dean or Director
$10,000.00 to $99,999.99
Approval of Vice President
$100,000.00 to $249,999.99
Approval of President
$250,000.00 or more
Approval of Board of Trustees

The Vice Presidents and the President may, in writing, delegate their purchasing approval authority. Other Financial Managers may delegate their purchasing approval authority with the written approval of their immediate supervisor. 

Purchasing Methods

Procedures for the procurement and purchase of goods and services at Eastern Illinois University shall be developed, maintained, and posted on the Procurement Services website by the Director of Procurement Services.

There are four (4) types of purchasing methods: requests for payment (RFP), internal transfer journal entries, purchasing card (P-Card), and Banner requisitions.

Request for Payment (RFP)

Requests for Payment are limited in use to:

  • Subscriptions
  • Membership Dues
  • Registration Fees
  • Conference Fees
  • Employee Reimbursement for membership dues, registration fees, or supplies up to $200.00

Any use of an RFP for a payment that is not in this list requires prior approval by the Director of Procurement Services.

RFP's can be completed on the Business Affairs Dashboard.

Internal Transfer Journal Entries

Payments are made via internal transfer journal entries by the Business Office to the appropriate Organization for the following transactions:

  • On-Campus Charges, including but not limited to: MLK Jr. Union Bookstore, University Food Court, Mail Services, Panther Catering, Panther Print & Copy, and specific Facilities Planning and Management services.
  • EIU Business Account Charges, including but not limited to: ODP office supplies, Microsoft telecom charges, computer charges arranged by ITS, and monthly copier maintenance charges.

Purchasing Card (P-Card)

P-Cards are issued by Eastern Illinois University in coordination with JPMorgan Chase for the purchase of supplies and/or small equipment. Card single transaction limits are $3,500.00 and monthly transaction limits are $15,000.00. Guidelines about P-Card requirements can be found at the Procurement Services website. 

Guidelines for P-Card Use

A list of items that are prohibited and restricted from purchase on the P-Card are listed on the Procurement Services website. 

Non-Compliant P-Card Use

Non-Compliant P-Card use will result in a P-Card Violation. It may also result in the suspension or termination of a P-Card. The following list below of non-compliant behaviors is not all inclusive:

  • Using the card for prohibited purchases.
  • Using the card for restricted purchases without the appropriate prior approvals.
  • Providing unacceptable documentation.
  • Failure to review transactions within 14 calendar days.
  • Failure to approve transactions within 7 calendar days after review by Cardholder.
  • Allowing the P-Card to be used by individuals other than the named Cardholder.
  • Splitting or "stringing" transactions in order to circumvent the single transaction limit.

A Cardholder who makes an unauthorized purchase with a P-Card or uses the P-Card in an inappropriate manner may be subject to disciplinary action including card cancellation and possible termination of employment. A Cardholder may also be liable for the total dollar amount of such unauthorized purchases plus any administrative fees charged by the bank in connection with the misuse. When appropriate, notification of fraudulent use will be shared with both the University Police Department and with the Charleston Police Department for possible criminal prosecution. Approving Officials are required to contact the P-Card Administrator to report misuse and coordinate appropriate disciplinary actions.


If an increase to a single or monthly transaction limit increase is needed, an email needs to be sent to and must include approval from the Financial Manager.

Any terms and conditions proposed by a vendor along with a P-Card purchase must be reviewed and approved by Procurement Services prior to purchase. These must be sent to

P-Card Violations

1. First Violation

The Director of Procurement Services shall notify the Cardholder and Primary Approving Official in writing that a P-Card policy or procedure has not been followed. The Cardholder and Primary Approving Official shall be informed of the correct procedure to follow in the future and the consequences of subsequent violations.

2. Second Violation

The Director of Procurement Services shall notify the Cardholder and Primary Approving Official of the second violation of P0Card policy or procedure. The P-Card of the Cardholder will be suspended for thirty (30) days.

3. Third Violation

The Director of Procurement Services shall notify the Cardholder and Primary Approving Official of the third violation of P-Card policy or procedure. The P-Card of the Cardholder will be suspended for up to one (1) year and/or cancelled.

Banner Requisitions

If your purchase does not fit in one of the Purchasing methods above, a Banner Requisition must be submitted.

Banner requisitions for purchases under $10,000.00 will require a quote or pricing information and a contract email for your Vendor. Depending on the circumstances of the purchase, Procurement Services may require additional documentation (e.g., Certificates of Liability Insurance).

Banner requisitions for purchases between $10,000.00 and $99,999.99 will require three (3) competitive quotes from different vendors or explanation of why three (3) competitive quotes have not been obtained. Purchases that are close to the $99,999.99 may require a formal solicitation at the discretion of Procurement Services.

Banner requisitions for purchases of $100,000.00 or more will require a formal solicitation. Specifications should be submitted with your requisition. Procurement Services will determine the most appropriate solicitation method for your requested purchase.

Purchasing Violations

Violations of purchasing policies and procedures, regardless of the source of funds, shall result in the following actions:

  1. First Violation

    The Director of Procurement Services shall notify the Financial Manager in writing that a purchasing policy or procedure has not been followed. The Financial Manager shall be informed of the correct procedure to follow in the future and the consequences of subsequent violations.

    2. Second Violation

    The Director of Procurement Services shall return any initiating and other substantiating documents to the Financial Manager with a reminder of the prior violation. A copy of the violation notification shall be sent to Financial Manager's supervisor and the Vice President for Business Affairs. The supervisor shall review University purchasing policy and procedure with the Financial Manager responsible for the violation and return any initiating and other substantiating documents to the Director of Procurement Services, along with a recommendation as to whether or not to proceed with the requested purchase.

    3. Third Violation

    The Director of Procurement Services shall return any initiating and other substantiating documents to the Financial Manager with a reminder of prior violations. A copy of the memorandum shall be sent to the Financial Manager's supervisor, the appropriate Vice President, and the Vice president for Business Affairs. The appropriate Vice President and the Vice President for Business Affairs shall discuss the violation and determine appropriate action to be taken, including but not limited to a written reprimand to the Financial Manager responsible for the purchasing violations, revocation of the Financial Manager's fiscal authority, or other disciplinary action. The appropriate Vice President shall notify the Director of Procurement Services as to whether or not to proceed with the requested purchase.

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