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EIU Assessment

The Assessment Process


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A New Chapter in Assessment at EIU: Continuous Improvement for Student Learning

EIU has long had an established tradition of program-level assessment, including annual reporting since at least the mid-2000's. In 2019, the University began a campus-wide process focused on identifying strategies that would make the assessment of student learning more meaningful and impactful--and in the process advance the goal of continuous improvement. To review and refresh the process, the Provost appointed a Taskforce of administration and faculty stakeholders from across the University to review existing policies, practices, and timelines, as well as review the compliance practices of peer institutions. The Taskforce issued a report and recommended a process that more fully engages the academic deans, as the former process was centralized and excluded any college-level review. Additionally, the updated 2019 process recognizes the unique nature of accredited programs, requires faculty to more explicitly document efforts to close the assessment loop, and creates a biennial process that includes a more formal review by the Office of Academic Affairs in Year 4. The initial policy change focused on undergraduate programs only. In 2020, the Council for Graduate Students also revised their practices and adopted a biennial process.

To learn more about the policy and process, please review the summary.

See archived Student Learning Outcomes Reports by college.

Submitting Student Learning Outcomes Reports

As specified in the Provost's Letter to Campus, April 2019, the reporting cycle is intended to provide faculty and departments an opportunity to review and reflect on prior assessment data. The Student Learning Outcomes reports document assessment activities that have occurred in the two years immediately preceding report submission. The reports document each program's student learning outcomes, the outcomes' alignment with any University learning goals, the measures/instruments used, and a quick description of how results are used. The reports offer programs a chance to tell their story of how assessment is conducted and how it is used to improve student learning.


1) When does my program submit a report?

All undergraduate programs are scheduled to report on assessment activities (Student Learning Outcomes) every two years.

2) What period of time does my report cover?

Each report covers only a two-year period, the two years immediately preceding the report submission.

3) This is "Round A" for my program. What does that mean?

This means that your report goes to your College Dean (or Dean designee) for review.

4) This is "Round B" for my program. What does that mean?

This means that your report goes to your College Dean (or Dean designee) for review and then to the VPAA Office for review.

5) What does "Round A" and "Round B" mean going forward?

Your program stays its course on the biennial cycle. Round A means one review (by the Dean); Round B means two reviews (Dean + VPAA). Then, your program cycle resets.

Round A -- Round B -- Round A -- Round B -- ad infinitum

6) Should I use a template?

Yes. Please use the correct Word or pdf template provided below.

7) My program is accredited. Does this affect what I submit?



For “Round A”: Ordinarily, accrediting bodies require annual (or periodic) reporting of critical program assessment data. Submit the report template cover sheet and a copy of the annual (or periodic) report most recently submitted to the accrediting agency; your accreditation report should address assessment.


For "Round B": Submit the following:

    • evidence of ongoing accreditation (document confirming accreditation status, which could be a letter from the accrediting agency)
    • annual (or periodic) accreditation report submitted to agency
    • the SLO template report, which provides a summary of the program’s collection and evaluation of its annual assessment data* (see the next point, #8)
    • an optional cover memo (not to exceed one page), which briefly describes any information or highlights the department believes would be important to demonstrate academic excellence and program quality

8) My program is accredited AND we just completed (in the last calendar year) a significant review. Does this affect what I submit in a round (either A or B)?

Yes, in these scenarios. If your accredited program completed:

a full 8-year IBHE report within this calendar year (this cannot be the short IBHE report)


a major reaffirmation document that evidences your successful application to your accrediting agency,

you may, with permission from the VP for Academic Affairs or designee, substitute either of these major reports for your typical Student Learning Outcomes report. To be approved, these documents must substantively discuss assessment, outcomes, and data, and have been prepared and submitted within the same calendar year.

9) When are reports due, and to whom?

Reports are due October 15th to the College Dean (or Dean designee). After Deans' review, completed reports should be sent to Dr. Suzie Park, Interim Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, at

10) Are there examples of Student Learning Outcomes reports?

Yes. These are archived here.

11) What happens to these reports?

Share them! Our assessment process is designed to facilitate real improvements in student learning. Thus the reports should be shared and discussed with faculty at the departmental level. The reports themselves are archived on our assessment website.

12) I have even more questions. Where would I direct these?

Work with your Dean or Dean designee and contact Dr. Suzie Park at

Reporting Schedule for All Undergraduate Programs

Templates for Student Learning Outcomes Reports

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