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EIU Assessment

Action Plan




Attendees of the HLC Gen Ed Assessment Seminar create action plan and submit it to HLC


DUE: Oct. 14

Attendees of the HLC Seminar receive feedback on action plan from HLC


Nov. 2022

Attendees of the HLC Seminar circulate action plan and summary of what they learned from HLC with campus community


Dec. 2022

Executive VPAA Office appoints Gen Ed Assessment Work Group


Dec. 2022

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group holds an introductory session



Wed., Jan. 25, 2023


Center for Student Innovation, Booth Library

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group clarifies and streamlines General Education prefatory language in the Course Catalogue


Feb. 2023


Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—organizes a Faculty Session: Philosophy of General Education

Goal: Identify x number of Learning Goals that will inform seminars on defining learning outcomes for assessment.

Questions to Consider:

1.     How do our Learning Goals and Gen Ed Curriculum align with the Mission?

2.     We need to streamline institutional outcomes (Learning Goals) and gen ed outcomes (see catalogue): what Learning Goals (institutional outcomes) do we value and how will they inform the Gen Ed curriculum?

3.     The goal of assessment is to support student learning: what do we want to assess?

Potential Materials Needed:

–       Mission Statement

–       Learning Goals language

–       General Education Catalogue language

–       General Education Curriculum from comparable institutions


Feb. 2023

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—creates and circulates a survey for faculty input on the philosophy of Gen Ed for those unable to participate in-person


Feb. 2023

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—organizes a Faculty Session: Inter-Rater Reliability (or rating consistently)

Goal: Faculty learn and share strategies for norming in the assessment of student work. Directed by Dr. Angela Jacobs (longtime Electronic Writing Portfolio faculty reader), Dr. Nora Heist (Communication Studies Basic Course Director), Dr. Michael Gillespie (Director of Faculty Development), and Dr. Suzie Park (Special Asst to Provost on Student Learning)


Spring 2023

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—organizes Faculty Workshops: Defining Clear Learning Outcomes

Three Workshops: Learning Goals 1, 2, and 3
(potentially Critical Thinking; Quantitative Reasoning; Responsible Citizenship)

Leave Writing for Fall 2023 during Electronic Writing Portfolio revisions and Speaking can be modified as needed at a later date.

Goal: Begin drafting concise and clear language for newly defined Learning Goals; identify learning outcomes for the LGs by coming to a consensus on what we want to assess


Spring 2023

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—begins creating Assessment Measures and Methods for newly clarified Learning Goals 1, 2, and 3
(potentially Critical Thinking; Quantitative Reasoning; and Responsible Citizenship)

Questions to Consider:

1.     What indicators will we look at in order to assess the learning outcomes?

2.     Where will we collect assessment data for each of these Learning Goals?


Fall 2023

Gen Ed Assessment Work Group—in conjunction with the Director of Faculty Development—begins revising the writing learning goal


1.     Clarify Writing learning outcomes.

2.     Determine indicators for measuring learning outcomes.

3.     Identify courses to collect data/streamline process for writing sample collection.

4.     Modify evaluation process as needed.


Fall 2023

Beta Testing of New Assessment Measures and Methods

Rolling Basis


Potential Future Responsibilities for General Education Committee

Review existing GE courses to determine what Learning Goals they are teaching and require revisions as needed based on updated Learning Goals language


Establish a timetable for periodic review of Gen Ed courses:

–       Availability of course and staffing

–       Review of actual content


Review Gen Ed Assessment reports to facilitate dialogue with faculty about potential adjustments needed to support student learning


Make adjustments to Gen Ed requirements to better align with outcomes


Coordinate marketing videos for General Education: reach out to alumni to get testimony on the value of Gen Ed


Ongoing Questions to Consider:

  1. Who will be responsible for the ongoing processes that result from the action plan?
    1. Attendees of HLC training
    2. CAA representative
    3. Gen Ed committee members
    4. Faculty expressing interest in the process during sessions
  2. How do we generate faculty buy-in?
    1. Ensuring wide range of participation and faculty input
  3. How do we rebrand Gen Ed?
    1. Working with Advising and chairs to reframe how we talk about Gen Ed with students
    2. Marketing videos from alumni talking about the value of gen ed courses in their careers

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