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EIU Assessment


09.0902          B.A. in Public Relations (short progress report)
13.0401          M.S. Ed. in Educational Leadership
13.0401          Ed. S. in Educational Leadership
13.1101          M.S. in Counseling
13.1102          M.S. in College Student Affairs
13.1202          B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education
13.1202          M.S. Ed. in Elementary Education
13.1209          B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education
13.1307          B.S. in Health Promotion
13.1317          B.A. in Social Science Teaching
13.1319          B.S. in Career and Technical Education
26.1201          M.S. in Biochemistry and Biotechnology (short progress report)
26.501            B.S. in Neuroscience
31.0505          M.S. in Kinesiology and Sports Studies (after 2020 MS in Exercise Physiology and MS in Sport administration)

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