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EIU Curriculum Approval

Revising or Adding Courses

If the proposal requests minor changes to an existing course, submit a request for executive action.

Minor changes to courses that do not result in significant changes to course content may be approved by executive action (i.e., by the executive officer of CAA and/or CGS). Request executive action when you are proposing changes in course titles, prerequisites, credits, and descriptions. These requests are developed by the department and submitted by deans to the executive officer of the appropriate university curriculum committee. They consist of a brief description of the nature of and a rationale for the change and should include the current and the proposed course description for comparison. Consult your college curriculum committee chairperson for details.


  1. Requests for executive action should be submitted by the dean to the appropriate executive officer through the recorder for CAA and/or CGS. If the course is numbered 4750-4999, it must be submitted to both councils.
  2. Renumberings that change the level of a course (e.g., from 1XXX to 2XXX) may not be made by executive action.
  3. Title, credit hour, and prefix changes may not be made effective in a term for which registration already has begun.
  4. Executive actions automatically are approved once they have been published in the CAA or CGS Minutes. However, if members of the university curriculum committee believe an item submitted as an executive action warrants further study, they may request that it be added to the agenda and discussed in more detail.

If the proposal requests more significant changes to an existing course or proposes a new course, submit it using the course proposal format.


  1. You will find technical directions for using the form here.
  2. At the top of the form, identify your proposal as a “Revised” or “New” course, and include the course prefix, number, and title.
  3. Use a font other than Times Roman so that your information is easy to distinguish from that on the form itself.
  4. If there is a course that is equivalent to this one, indicate this in 8a. If you do not wish students to enroll in your course after completing the equivalent course, indicate this as well.
  5. If you identify prerequisite courses in 13, include the minimum grade students must have earned in those courses to have satisfied the prerequisite. If you want the prerequisite enforced in Banner (so that students who have not completed the prerequisites or have not done so with the appropriate grade may not enroll in this course), indicate this.
  6. If your course may be repeated (16), be sure to identify the total hours the student may earn in the course OR the total number of times the student may repeat it. If you intend to limit the number of hours that count toward the major, minor, graduation, etc., please include this information too (17).
  7. In the model syllabus section (Part II), be sure your learning objectives are clear and specific. Click here for some tips on writing learning objectives.
  8. Syllabi for revised and new courses are available in the electronic course library.
  9. If you would like to alert your students to services provided by the Student Success Center, please insert this statement.
  10. New and revised course proposals should be submitted to the University Councils through the recorder for CAA and/or CGS. If the course is numbered 4750-4999, it must be submitted to both councils.
  11. Course proposals originating in units which do not have departmental curriculum committees (for example, AFR, BGS, HON, SOS) are vetted through an advisory committee prior to being sent to the appropriate college curriculum committee (or that college’s dean, if no college curriculum committee exists).

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