Skip if you do not know your E number.
What is the best way to contact you? *
Are you currently enrolled in graduate school? *
What GA position are you most interested in and are applying for (may select multiple):
If you are not selected for your top choice, would you like to be considered for the other graduate assistantship openings? *
Some positions may require coursework or experience in various areas, depending on responsibilities. Please tell us about your training, coursework, background, etc. in the following areas:
Have you completed the Graduate School Graduate Assistant application? Both applications must be completed to be eligible for an offer. Follow the link if you have any questions, http://www.eiu.edu/graduate/students_assistantships.php. *
Please include the name and contact information for 3 professional references at the end of your resume or vita.
You may upload your letter(s) of recommendation and unofficial transcripts below or if you prefer, you may mail them to:
Attn: Matt Warner
Eastern Illinois University - Blair Hall 2201
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
If you are unable to copy and paste your transcripts into a Word document, you may mail them to the address below.