Summer Tuition Waiver Scholarship
Summer Tuition Waiver Scholarship
Please submit by April 30
E Number
Year of Summer Term you are applying for
Please choose your current status
I am currently working as a graduate assistant
I have signed a graduate assistant contract for the fall semester
Hiring unit where your assistantship contract was/is issued
Choose one
Choose one
I am currently in compliance with graduate assistantship policies, am a degree-seeking graduate student, have at least a 3.00 graduate GPA, and am currently enrolled in at least nine semester hours of graduate coursework.
I will complete my undergraduate degree prior to the start of the summer session and anticipate an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75.
Please confirm you understand the policies regarding the summer tuition waiver scholarship by checking the boxes below.
Please confirm you understand the policies regarding the summer tuition waiver scholarship by checking the boxes below.
I understand that only one summer tuition waiver per nine -month contract may be claimed.
I understand I must enroll in graduate level coursework (4750 or above) as approved by the academic unit through which this scholarship is recommended. I plan to enroll in a minimum of three semester hours of graduate level coursework during the summer term in which the waiver is granted.
If I fail to meet any of these conditions the waiver becomes void and I will be responsible for the payment of any tuition costs which I might incur for the summer term. I understand that holds will be placed on my academic records at EIU until such bills are paid in full.