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EIU Faculty Development and Innovation Center


Instructional Design, as depicted by ChatGPT 4.0"Instructional Design" - ChatGPT 4.0, 31-Mar.-2024

Welcome to the Instructional Design open resource from the Faculty Development and Innovation Center (FDIC), a hub dedicated to providing information and resources to empower faculty in developing effective learning experiences in any course modality. The approach to the development of this resource mirrors the Agile project management methodology meaning there is a strategic roadmap for the gradual release of sections. The inaugural release includes the Understanding Instructional Design and Developing Learning Objectives sections, which lays a solid foundation for instructional design.

Within this open resource, you will find:

Understanding Instructional Design

This section offers an explanation to what instructional design is, the backward design approach to instructional design, and a key purpose of instructional design which is to achieve course alignment.

Developing Learning Objectives

Stage one of backward design is to identify the desired results from your course, module, and lesson. This section offers an explanation of the purpose of learning objectives, their components, the use of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy (2001), common mistakes, tips, and supplemental resources to empower you to create observable and measurable learning objectives.

Project Update

Curious about what lies ahead? Below is a schedule for upcoming sections and their anticipated publication dates. Keep an eye on the monthly FDIC email for announcements regarding their release.

Developing Assessments - anticipated end of Summer 2024

Developing Course Content - anticipated end of Fall 2024

Course Administration and Management - anticipated end of Spring 2025 

The written information and resources are developed or curated by the 

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

phone 217-581-7051 :: email :: web

Contact the FDIC for instructional design related questions or to schedule a consultation appointment. The FDIC staff can recommend instructional design strategies for your online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.

Last updated: 30-July-2024    important dates

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Contact Information

Dr. Michael Gillespie, Director, FDIC


Kim Ervin
Instructional Designer


Faculty Development and Innovation Center

1105 Booth

David Smith
Instructional Support & Training Specialist


Keerthana Saraswathula
Instructional Support and Training Specialist


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