
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, 1999, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland, and Ms. Heidel.

Members absent: none.

Staff present: Ms. Herrington, Perry, Academic Affairs and Ms. Quick, Graduate School

Guests present: Mr. M. Layette, Dr. Methven

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of April 20, 1999, were approved as published.

II. 99-7 BIO 5380, Landscape Ecology

Dr. Methven provided corrections to the proposal including the addition of the short title "Landscape Eco," substitution of BIO 3800 for ZOO 3010 and BIO 4814 for ZOO 4760. Dr. Methven answered the questions of the Council. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.


III. Communications

1. Faculty Senate Minutes of 8-24-99

  1. CAA Minutes of 4-29-99, 6-24-99, 7-8-99, 8-26-99
  2. COTE Minutes of 4-27-99
  3. Executive Action (5-21-99) from the Department of Counseling and Student Development.
  4. Email (7-22-99) from Sally Bock reporting that new courses need to be approved by councils by September 16, 1999, in order to appear in the Spring 2000 course schedule. Courses passed after that date may be offered for Spring 2000, but they will not appear in the schedule.
  5. Orientation and Planning Meeting Summary (8-26-99) from Dr. Augustine

IV Committee Reports:

The following sub-committee appointments were made:

CGS Awards: Dr. Raybin, Dr. Key, Dr. Costa

CGS Student Appeals: Dr.Lenihan, Dr. Reven

CGS Thesis Guidelines: Dr. Simpson, Dr. Liu, Ms. Heidel, Dr. Augustine

Textbook Advisory Board: Dr. Lenihan

Enrollment Management: Dr. Wayland

Library Advisory Board: Dr. Key

Academic Technology Appropriations Committee: Dr. Liu

Honorary Degree: Dr. Emmett

(Dr. Augustine will serve as an ex-officio member of CGS subcommittees.)

  1. 98-8 ECN 4850 Economic Analysis of Law

Dr. Reven moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

VI. Executive Director’s Report

1. Agenda Item 99-6 Student Appeals (SA2) Via Email June 30, 1999.: Dr. Benedict moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to handle this item via email rather than call a face-to-face meeting and to reflect the actions in the Minutes of the next scheduled meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The Waiver and Appeals Subcommittee recommended the student be reinstated to degree candidacy because he had returned his graduate grade point average to the required 3.00 grade point average. Dr. Benedict moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to approve reinstatement to degree candidacy effective during the Summer 1999 term. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. The following has been approved by Executive Action via email 5-7-99 to become effective Fall 1999:

CHM 5040 -- Change prefix, title, and course description to read as follows: "CHM/SCI 5040. Chemical Analysis for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). Designed for science teachers to provide practical experience in the design and implementation of laboratory experiments in chemical analysis. Prerequisite: Two semesters of college chemistry or permission of instructor. May be used for credit toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree only."

CHM 5050 -- Change prefix, title, and course description to read as follows: "CHM/SCI 5050. Organic Chemistry for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). Designed to provide teachers with an understanding of the basic concepts of organic chemistry, especially as they apply to pre-college teaching. Everyday applications will be included. Prerequisite: Two semesters of college chemistry or permission of the instructor. May be used for credit toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree only."

CHM 5070 -- Change prefix, title, and course description to read as follows: "CHM/SCI 5070. Advanced General Chemistry for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). A non-calculus based course focusing on topics such as chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: Two semesters of college chemistry or permission of the instructor. May be used for credit toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree only."

CHM 5080 -- Change prefix, title, and course description to read as follows: "CHM/SCI 5080. Special Topics in Chemistry for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3). A course in a selected area of chemistry for science teachers. May be repeated for credit if a different topic is taught. May be used for credit toward M.S. in Natural Sciences degree only."

CHM 5010 -- Delete course from the curriculum.

CHM 5030 -- Delete course from the curriculum.

CHM 5990 -- Delete the following statement from the course description: "May be used as credit toward M.S. in Education degree only."

PHY 5120 -- Change prefix, title and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5120. Classical Mechanics for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). An in depth study of the fundamental concepts of classical mechanics. Applications from Newton's laws of motion, conservation of energy and momentum, rotational motion, angular momentum, moment of inertia and torque, universal law of gravitation, etc. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5130 -- Change prefix, title, and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5130. Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). Topics of special interest for natural science teachers selected from electricity, magnetism and thermodynamics including: sources of electric and magnetic fields, charge and current sources, electromagnetic waves, Maxwell's equations, heat transfer, entropy, conservation of energy and the Laws of Thermodynamics. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5140 -- Change prefix, title and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5140. Electronics for Natural Science Teachers. (1-2-3). Topics include circuit analysis and design, circuits involving diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, operational amplifiers, tubes. Laboratory experience will be heavily emphasized throughout this course. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5150 -- Change prefix, title and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5150. Astronomy for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). Topics from modern astronomy selected from three central areas: planetary astronomy, stellar astronomy and cosmology. Topics include general features of planetary systems, stellar evolution and collapse, black hole formation, galaxy classification, quasars, curved space time, big bang cosmology, inflation, etc. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5160 -- Change prefix, title and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5160. Modern Physics for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). An introduction to the principles of modern physics using the principles of relativity and quantum mechanics. Topics include special relativity, black body radiation, atomic, nuclear and quark physics, strong, weak, electromagnetic and electro-weak forces, grand unified theories, general relativity. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5170 -- Change prefix, title and course description to read as follows: "PHY/SCI 5170. Optics for Natural Science Teachers. (2-1-3). Principles of optics are developed through the general theories of geometrical, wave and quantum optics. Applications include thin and thick lenses, interference, diffraction, emission and absorption, spectroscopy, lasers, holography. Prerequisites: General college physics and high school science teaching experience or permission of the department chair. Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

PHY 5990 -- Delete course from the curriculum.

BIO 5041 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5041. Plant Morphology for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5042 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5042. Plant Anatomy for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5043 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5043. Plant Physiology for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."


BIO 5044 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5044. Plant Taxonomy for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5045 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5045. Natural History of Non-Vertebrates for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5046 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5046. Natural History of Vertebrates for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5047 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5047. Animal Physiology for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5048 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5048. Comparative Anatomy for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5050 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5050. Genetics and Evolution for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."


BIO 5051 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5051. Biotechnology Techniques for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

BIO 5049 -- Change the prefix and title to read as follows: "BIO/SCI 5049. Topics in Ecology for Natural Science Teachers" and add the following sentence as the last sentence of the course description: "Credit may be counted only toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree."

3. The following has been approved by Executive Action via email 6-9-99 to become effective Summer 1999:

Change SCI/BIO 5050 to SCI/BIO 5039.

4. The following has been approved by Executive Action via email 6-25-99 to become effective Summer 1999:

Change the semester hours of credit for SCI 5005 Seminar for Natural Science Teachers in the Master of Science in Natural Sciences program from 1 semester hour of credit to 0 to 1 semester hours of credit.

5. Waiver and Reinstatement Report: The following waiver requests were received by the Graduate School between January 1, 1999 and September 7, 1999. A total of 60 requests were processed. Fifteen were denied and 45 were approved.

6. Dean Augustine announced the Graduate Dean’s search and the Associate Dean’s search have commenced.

  1. Acting Associate Dean Cooper gave an international update. Dr. Cooper reported that there has been an increase in international students. At this time there are 159 international students an increase of 25 in comparison to last year. A beginning Japanese course starts September 7. This is a six week class that will meet in Coleman Hall Room 203. Interested faculty, staff, and students can still sign up. Forms and instruction packets are available for anyone interested in coordinating a short term study abroad trip. Forms are due September 17.
  2. Dean Augustine announced that the last CGS meeting is scheduled for December 7 as originally published.
  1. Additional Discussion Items

1. Statistics Consultant: Dr. Simpson asked if there was any other resource on campus to provide statistical consulting now that Dr. Bower is no longer available in the Testing Center. Following discussion, the Council asked that Dr. Augustine obtain information from Coordinators regarding the current situation and report back to the Council.

2. Textbook Rental Policies: Dr. Raybin reported that the Textbook Rental Service had recently suggested a new policy on graduate textbook for the English Department. The proposal requires that professors request only 1 new book for each graduate course. Textbook Rental would make any number of existing texts available; however the students would be required to purchase any additional texts. Dr. Raybin asked if any other departments received that memo. Dr. Augustine asked if the Textbook Rental Service suggested that it would reduce the textbook rental fee if it was not providing all of the requested texts. Dr. Raybin noted that a reduction was not suggested. Dr. Lenihan reported on the policy for graduate students that allows graduates to have their rental fee deducted from the purchase price of their textbooks if they purchase all of the texts. She also noted that if the students' courses have no books assigned, then the fee can be deducted. Council members felt that these policies were not well known even to their representatives on the Textbook Rental Advisory Board. The Council asked that the Dean review the published Internal Governing Policies and ask for copies of the policies on textbook rental for graduate students. The policies will be reviewed during the next Council meeting. Ms. Herrington-Perry noted that the policies might be available on the Textbook Rental Web page.

3. International Programs Support: Dr. Liu expressed concerns for support for international programs. Dr. Cooper reviewed several issues and Dr. Augustine provided an overview of the many concerns related to the inadequate funding of the Office including the loss of the study abroad coordinator and secretary. Dr. Augustine noted that without additional staff, the office would seek to decrease its functions rather than expand them.

VIII. 98-43 Thesis Guideline Revision.

This item is postponed until a revision is presented.

Dr. Simpson moved and Dr. Liu seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:12 P. M.



Tuesday, September 21, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union


98-8 ECN 4850 Economic Analysis of Law

98-43 Thesis Revision (postponed)