
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, 1999, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland, and Ms. Heidel.

Members absent: None.

Staff present: Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs; Ms. Quick, Graduate School.

Guests present: Dr. Bruehler and Dr. Karbassioon

Dr. Lenihan requested the order be changed to accommodate the guests.

  1. Minutes.

The Minutes of September 7, 1999, were approved as published.

II. 99-8 ECN 4850 Economic Analysis of Law

Dr. Karbassioon, Chair of the Economics Department, introduced Dr. Bruehler. Dr. Bruehler discussed this course proposal and answered the questions of the Council members. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective the Spring of 2000.

ECN 4850, Economic Analysis of Law. (3-0-3) (S) ECN ANALYSIS LAW. Economic analysis of the major areas of law: property, contracts, torts, criminal law. Emphasis on study of economic forces in the evolution of the rule of law and application of economic reasoning techniques to the critique of legal institutions. Examination of conflicts between economic efficiency and other social goals such as fairness, democracy, and justice. Prerequisite: ECN 2802.

III. Communications

    1. Faculty Senate Minutes of 9-14-99.
    1. CAA Minutes of 9-16-99.
    1. COSCC Minutes of 9-3-99.
    2. IV. Committee Reports:

      1. CGS Thesis Guidelines: The Committee Chair reported that the subcommittee=s first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28 at 2:00 p.m. in Dr. Liu=s office.
      2. Academic Technology: Dr. Liu asked for a substitute to attend a subcommittee meeting on Tuesday, September 28 at 11:00 a.m. Dr. Lenihan asked for a discussion of apportionment funds to go towards the addition of off-campus phone lines for server access.

V. 99-9 Policy on admission of applicants from non-traditional distance-learning universities

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Wayland seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda.

99-10 Revision of Internal Governing Policy No. 71 (Student Employment)

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Wayland seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda. (See the policy at: http://www.eiu.edu/~presiden/IGP/policy71.html.)

VI. Executive Director's Report

    1. Dean Augustine discussed the statistics consultant report. Feedback from Coordinators indicated that most departments were using faculty within their programs as statistical consultants.
    2. Dean Augustine asked that Dr. Lenihan discuss an email message from Mr. Klingenberg, Director of the Textbook Rental Services. Dr. Lenihan provided a correction regarding the Textbook Rental Service Policy that had been reviewed at the last meeting. The Council discussed the textbook policies regarding graduate courses and the purchase of books by graduate students. Dr. Lenihan and Dr. Simpson will provide input on textbook rental policies for graduate students at the Textbook Advisory Board meeting.
    3. Dean Augustine reported that he requested nominations from Graduate Coordinators for a Faculty Marshall to represent the Graduate School during the Fall 1999 commencement. He will keep the Council informed of his selection.
    4. Dean Augustine asked that Dr. Lenihan review issues related to the ethical treatment of human subjects. Following Dr. Lenihan=s presentation, the Council endorsed the review of the ethical treatment of human subjects as a departmental level responsibility. To facilitate the process, Dr. Augustine and Dr. Lenihan will draft guidelines for the Council=s review.

VII. Additional Discussion Items

Graduate Dean and Associate Graduate Dean=s positions have been advertised.

VIII. 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

This item is postponed until a revision is presented.

Dr. Costa moved and Dr. Wayland seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.



Tuesday, October 5, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Martinsville Room, MLK Union