
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Costa, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland,

and Ms. Heidel.

Members absent: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Emmett and Dr. Raybin

Staff present: Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs; Ms. Quick, Graduate School.

Guests present: Dr. Woodley, Dr. Felstehausen, Dr. Strandberg

  1. Minutes

The Minutes of November 16, 1999 were approved as published.

II. 99-13 INT 5173 Global Technology

Dr. Strandberg, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in the School of Technology, discussed this course proposal and answered the questions of the Council members. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2000.

INT 5173, Global Technology. (3-0-3) (S) GLOBAL TECH. A study of global technology as affected by factors such as socio-cultural structures, economic conditions, governmental decision-making, and corporate-managerial strategies. The emergence of technology from its beginning to its present status will be the common thread topic for all reading, writing, and discussion.

99-14 INT 5133 Total Quality Systems

Dr. Liu, Professor of the School of Technology, discussed this course proposal and answered the questions of the Council members. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2000.

INT 5133, Total Quality Systems. (3-0-3) (F, S) TOTAL QUALITY. Study of principles, practices, tools, techniques and systems for total quality management in industrial or service organizations.

99-15 COS 5103 Science and Technology of Leadership

Dr. Felstehausen, Professor of the School of Technology, discussed this course proposal and answered the questions of the Council members. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2000.

COS 5103, Science and Technology of Leadership. (3-0-3) (F) LEADERSHIP. This course focuses on forces transforming leadership science, processes, and skills in today's technological society; leadership theories; implication of fundamental changes taking place in the workplace; and leadership, characteristics, competencies, and challenges.

The approval of these courses deletes the following courses from the catalog: INT 5153, Technical Development in Technology; and INT 5163, Contemporary Problems in Technology. The new Core for the M.S. in Technology is as follows:

COS 5103 Science and Technology of Leadership 3 sh

INT 5133 Total Quality Systems 3 sh

INT 5143 Research in Technology 3 sh

INT 5173 Global Technology 3 sh


III. Communications

1. Faculty Senate Minutes of 11-16-99.

    1. CAA Minutes of 11-11-99 and 11-18-99.
    2. College of Sciences Curriculum Minutes of 11-19-99.
    3. Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning Minutes of 11-16-99.

IV. Committee Reports

Academic Technology Advisory Board: Dr. Liu reported that the committee met last Friday. It approved seven projects funded by student technology fees, and discussed the Student Services building and privacy issues. A new system for computer services was also proposed that would allow for better customer service.

V. 99-12 Ethical Treatment of Human Subjects

The Council asked questions of Dr. Lenihan and made additional suggestions in wording. Dr. Lenihan will make the suggested changes.


VI. 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Manual.

Tabled until next semester.


VII. Executive Director's Report

Postponed until the next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.



Tuesday, January 18, 2000, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union