The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5, 1999, in the Martinsville Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Wayland, and Ms. Heidel.

Members absent: Dr. Simpson

Staff present: Ms. Quick, Graduate School.

Guests present: None.

  1. Minutes.
  2. The approval of the Minutes of September 21, 1999, will be tabled upon further review.

  3. Communications
    1. Faculty Senate Minutes of 9-28-99C
    2. CAA Minutes of 9-23-99
    3. COSCC Minutes of 9-17-99
    4. CEPSCC Minutes of 9-27-99
    5. Library Advisory Board Minutes of 4-21-99
    6. Council on Teacher Education Minutes of 9-14-99

III Committee Reports

    1. Thesis Guidelines: The Committee met on September 28, 1999. An updated thesis manual draft has been prepared and a final draft will be ready soon.
    2. Enrollment Management: Drs. Wayland and Lenihan provided details of the recent meeting.
    3. Library Advisory Board: Dr. Key reviewed concerns related to the Library’s temporary location to McAfee.
    4. Academic Technology Advisory Committee: Dr. Liu reported that the committee met on October 1, 1999. He summarized issues related to equipment improvements and reviewed the new draft procedures for the distribution of new computers. Dr. Liu reported that the deadline for technology fee proposals is October 22, 1999. He also provided a summary of concerns for off-campus access to computer technology.
    5. Textbook Advisory Board: Dr. Lenihan reported that no meeting has been scheduled.

IV 99-9 Policy on admission of applicants from non-traditional distance-learning universities.

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Wayland seconded a motion to approve the enhancement of the existing policy. Motion passed unanimously.

V 99-10 Revision of Internal Governing Policy No. 71.

A motion to approve the revision of Internal Governing Policy No. 71 was moved by Dr. Key and seconded by Dr. Costa. Motion passed unanimously.

VI Executive Director’s Report

    1. Graduate Faculty Marshal selection: Dr. Augustine recommended that Dr. Andrew Methven of the Department of Biological Sciences be named the Faculty Marshal from the Graduate School for the December 1999 commencement ceremony.
    2. Dr. Augustine reported that the a visiting delegation from Kunming University of Science and Technology was visiting campus to explore an executive development training agreement and to review training program applications with EIU
    3. Dr. Augustine reported that following careful consideration and study, he has recommended that the associate dean position be reconfigured. The recommendation has been supported and the current search will be canceled. The reconfiguration will allow for 2 additional staff positions which will increase support for international programs and improve the office’s operations.
    4. Dr. Augustine thanked CGS members for attending Dr. George Walker’s address. Dr. Augustine up-dated the Council on the CAR awards process.
    5. Dr. Augustine reported that he had received an updated proposal from the Economics Department for ECN 4850 which will replace the earlier document.

VII Additional Discussion Items

    1. Dr. Lenihan announced the Graduate Dean’s Search Committee will meet for the first time this Thursday.
    2. Dr. Liu noted concerns about course proposal fees.
    3. Dr. Lenihan noted concerns for the external graduate assistantship contract. Dr. Augustine offered to discuss the concerns with Mr. Finley.
    4. Dr. Lenihan discussed the issue of separate fees for graduate students and undergraduate students.
    5. Dr. Lenihan and Dr. Augustine are working on the draft for ethical treatment of human subjects.

VIII 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

This item is postponed until a revision is presented.


The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.



Tuesday, October 19, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union