The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. C. Helsel, Dr. Kayser, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. L. Simpson.

Members absent: Mr. Paglia.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of December 1, 1998, were approved as published.

  1. Communications.
    1. Memo (1-4-99) from Mary Herrington-Perry listing the approved courses that will be deleted (see Attachment A).

2. Executive Action (11-18-98) from the College of Sciences.

III. Committee Reports.

    1. Dr. Benedict reported on the Honorary Degree Program Committee. The President's Council felt that the information presented from the Committee was not sufficient to make sound decisions about awarding an honorary degree. The Committee will meet to review the process and develop more definitive criteria for this award.
    2. Dr. Reven reported on the UAAC. Dr. Abebe asked the UAAC to consider the possibility of merging with the GEAC. A combined meeting of the UAAC and the GEAC will take place January 20. Dean Augustine stated that he felt the merger would be beneficial and would like a representative from CGS or a graduate coordinator to serve on that committee.
    3. Dr. Simpson reported that she has a class conflict and will not be able to serve on the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee this semester. Dean Augustine will check the current membership to see if any graduate coordinators are currently serving. In the interim, Mary Herrington-Perry will keep the Council informed.

IV. 98-44 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.

The Council began reviewing the recommended changes from the subcommittee. By consensus, this item was postponed until January 26, 1999.

  1. Executive Director's Report.
    1. The Graduate Forum Series Information will be distributed to the campus community by February 1, 1999. There will be nine excellent forums. Dean Augustine encouraged the Council to attend as many as possible.
    2. The following is from the IBHE's report on EIU's review of graduate education: "An extensive review of graduate programs, structure, and function was completed this year. The Department of Educational Administration was asked to increase admission requirements and reduce enrollment. Four departments were asked to continue their program reviews. The gerontology program was granted another semester for review with directions that it focus on program administration and enhancing career counseling and placement opportunities for students. The Department of Industrial Technology was asked to revise its graduate curriculum to ensure that the program was focused and meeting the needs of the workplace. The Department of Speech Communication was asked to provide documentation that graduates are finding employment related to the discipline and that a graduate degree is necessary to secure or continue employment in speech communication. The Art Department was asked to evaluate priorities to determine whether continued resources devoted to graduate program are appropriate."
    3. The Thesis Guidelines Revision subcommittee will be submitting its recommendation to the Council in the near future.
    4. Dean Augustine announced that Patti Bailey has taken another position on campus. He welcomed the new graduate assistantship manager, Linda Barter.
    5. The search committee for a Graduate Dean will be formed soon.

The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.

Please note: All Council Minutes and Agenda are available on the Web at http://www.eiu.edu/~eiucgs.


Special Called Meeting to Discuss 99-4 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.

Tuesday, January 26, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Greenup Room, MLK Union



Tuesday, February 2, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union



Agenda: 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision. (Postponed until draft is presented.)

98-44 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.



Attachment A

Courses that have been approved for deletion:

BOT 5050, 5110, 5130

BED 4750

CHM 4780, 5030

EDA 5950, 5980

EDF 5950

ZOO 4900, 5000, 5050, 5130, 5300, 5370