The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 1999, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland, and Ms. Heidel

Members absent: Dr. Augustine

Staff present: Ms. Quick, Graduate School

Guests present: Dr. Keiter

  1. Minutes.
  2. The Minutes of November 2, 1999 were approved as published.


  3. 99-11 CHM 4750 Environmental Chemistry

Dr. Keiter discussed this course proposal and answered the questions of the Council members. The motion to approve the course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective the Spring of 2000:

CHM 4750 Environmental Chemistry. (3-0-3) On Demand. ENV CHEM. The chemistry of environmental processes and chemical contaminants in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere; the impact of energy generation on the global environment; the toxicology of specific chemical compounds. Prerequisites: CHM 2730, CHM 3910 or permission of the instructor. CHM 3450 recommended.

III. Communications

1. Faculty Senate Minutes of 11-2-99.

2. CAA Minutes of 10-28-99.

3. College of Education and Professional Studies Minutes of 10-25-99.

IV. Committee Reports

1. CGS Thesis Guidelines: Dr. Lenihan reported the committee is ready for the Council to discuss the new thesis guidelines.

    1. CGS Awards: Dr. Key reported Greg Aydt won the Distinguished Masters Thesis Award and his thesis advisor was Christopher Waldrep of the History Department.
    2. CGS Student Appeals: No report.
    3. Library Advisory Board: Dr. Key reported the committee met but there were no issues on the agenda regarding graduate education.
    4. Honorary Degree: No report.
    5. Textbook Advisory Board: No report.
    6. Enrollment Management: No report.
    7. Academic Technology Advisory Board: Dr. Liu reported the committee submitted a list of Instructional Technology Enhancement Proposals.

V. 99-12 Ethical Treatment of Human Subjects.

Dr. Wayland moved and Dr. Emmett seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda. Motion approved unanimously.

VI. 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

Questions and suggestions about the new revision were entertained. Corrections will be made to the Thesis Guidelines Revision based upon suggestions from the Council. The revision will then be forwarded to graduate coordinators for input prior to adoption. Approval of the Thesis Guidelines Revision will be postponed until the beginning of next semester.

VII. Executive Director’s Report

In Dr. Augustine’s absence, this report was postponed until the December meeting.

VIII. 99-13 INT 5173 Global Technology, 99-14 INT 5133 Total Quality Systems, and 99-15 COS 5103 Science and Technology of Leadership.

Dr. Simpson moved and Dr. Raybin seconded to put these items on the agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.



Tuesday, December 7, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union