December 1, 1998

The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. C. Helsel, Dr. Kayser, Dr. Lenihan, Mr. Paglia, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. L. Simpson.

Members absent: Dr. Liu

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Dr. Evans, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. R. Roberts, Dr. K. Wickstrom.

Chair Benedict requested the order be changed in order to accommodate the guests.

  1. Minutes.
  2. The Minutes of November 17, 1998, were approved as published.

  3. 98-55 CSD 5510, Professional Orientation, New Course.
  4. Dr. Richard Roberts and Dr. Katherine Wickstrom, Counseling and Student Development, presented the new course and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the new course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:

    CSD 5510, Professional Orientation. (3-0-3) PROF ORIENT. This course provides an orientation to the counseling profession. Areas covered include an understanding of all aspects of professional functioning such as history, roles, organizational structures, legal and ethical issues, standards, credentialing, and the emerging use of technology within the counseling field. (Replaces EDG 5600.)

    Dr. Lenihan joined the meeting at this point.

  5. 98-56 CSD 5910, Management of School Counseling, Revised Course.
  6. Dr. Richard Roberts and Dr. Katherine Wickstrom, Counseling and Student Development, presented the revised course and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:

    CSD 5910, Management of School Counseling Programs. (3-0-3) MGT SCH COUN. This course will provide an overview of the organization and management of responsibilities assigned to professional counselors working in educational settings. Specific focus will be on counselor accountability, assessment as it relates to educational and career planning, crisis management, and developing and managing K-12 school-based counseling programs.

  7. 98-57 CSD 5940, Foundations of School Counseling, Revised Course.
  8. Dr. Richard Roberts and Dr. Katherine Wickstrom, Counseling and Student Development, presented the revised course and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:

    CSD 5940, Foundations of School Counseling. (3-0-3) FOUND SCH COUN. The content of this course will examine the premises of elementary, middle, and secondary school counseling. The philosophical and ethical principles related to professional counselors working in the school environment will also be explored. A developmental approach to counseling in the schools will be emphasized. Students will be expected to draw relationships among the concepts and principles of individual, family, and group counseling and apply that knowledge to a school setting. Embedded in this course are both writing and speaking skills.

  9. 98-58 "College Student Affairs," New Concentration Title.
  10. Dr. Richard Roberts, Counseling and Student Development, presented the new concentration title and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the new title passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:

    From College Student Personnel Work to College Student Affairs.

  11. 98-59 School Counseling & College Student Affairs Concentrations (M.S. in Ed. Degree -- Guidance and Counseling Major), Revised Requirements.

Dr. Richard Roberts, Counseling and Student Development, presented the revised concentrations and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised concentrations passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:


The Department of Counseling and Student Development offers a Master’s of Science in Education, major Guidance and Counseling. The program meets requirements for the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CASHE). Degree completion leads to certification for School Guidance workers in Illinois and comprehensive preparation for careers in College Student Affairs. Students interested in Community Counseling refer to page ____.

Degrees Offered: M.S.Ed.

Major: Guidance and Counseling

Admission Requirements: Degree status admission to the Graduate School, MAT or GRE (General) scores.

Department Admission Requirements:

    1. Complete and submit the departmental admission application.
    2. Submit two departmental recommendation forms from individuals familiar with applicant’s academic or work performance.
    3. A pre-admission workshop is required.

Study Plan Approval:

The study plan shall be approved by the department and filed with the student’s advisor prior to the completion of 12 semester hours of graduate credits which count toward the graduate degree.

Requirements for Degree:

The courses for the Master of Science in Education must total a minimum of 48 semester hours. The plan, therefore, requires that the student completes the following courses identified below:


Required Courses:

CSD 5500 – Research Methods (3)

CSD 5510 – Professional Orientation (3)

CSD 5520 – Theories of Counseling (3)

CSD 5530 – Pre-Practicum (3)

CSD 5600 – Cross-Cultural Counseling (3)

CSD 5610 – Human Development of Counselors (3)

CSD 5620 – Group Counseling (3)

CSD 5630 – Practicum (3)

CSD 5900 – Appraisal (3)

CSD 5910 – Management of School Counseling Programs (3)

CSD 5920 – Career Counseling (3)

CSD 5940 – Foundations of School Counseling (3)

CSD 6900 – Internship (6)**

EDF 5500 – Curriculum Development (3)

EDF 5510 – Social Foundations of Education (3)

** CSD 6900 must be taken for 3 semester hours for two consecutive semesters totaling 6 semester hours.


Required Courses:

CSD 5500 – Research Methods (3)

CSD 5530 – Pre-Practicum (3)

CSD 5600 – Cross-Cultural Counseling (3)

CSD 5700 – Student Affairs in Higher Education (3)

CSD 5710 – Leadership and Administration in Higher Education (3)

CSD 5720 – Student Development Theory (3)

CSD 5730 – Assessing Collegiate Environments (3)

CSD 5740 – Consultation Skills and Organizational Development (3)

CSD 5750 – Governance and Finance in Higher Education (3)

CSD 5880 – Practicum in Student Affairs (3)

CSD 5881 – Practicum in Student Affairs (3)

CSD 5900 – Appraisal (3)

CSD 5920 – Career Counseling (3)

Basic Education Courses (Total of 6 sh)

EDF 5510 – Social Foundations in Education (3)

EDF 5530 – Philosophy of Educ.: Interpretive (2)


EDF 5535 – Philosophy of Educ.: Clinical (2)

EDF 5540 – History of Educational Thought (2)

EDF 5550 – Comparative and International Education (3)

Elective Courses

3 semester hours elective

All students are required to complete a final comprehensive examination or write a thesis prior to completion of the graduate degree.

Graduation Requirements: Same as for the Graduate School.

Graduate Assistantships are available. Contact Department Chair, Department of Counseling and Student Development, Room 2102, Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920. Telephone: (217) 581-2400.

Web page: http://www.eiu.edu/~eiucsd

Please visit our web page for the latest in departmental news and developments.

VII.98-4 Student Appeals (SA07).

Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Kayser seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda.

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Simpson seconded the motion to suspend the rules and act on this item. The motion to suspend the rules passed unanimously.

VIII.98-4 Student Appeals (SA04, SA05, SA06, SA07)

SA04: Dr. Kayser moved and Dr. Reven seconded the motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation to grant the appeal. The motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation passed unanimously.

SA05: Dr. Simpson moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation to grant the appeal. The motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation passed unanimously.

Dr. Reven exited the meeting at this point.

SA06: Dr. Helsel moved and Dr. Simpson seconded the motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation to deny the appeal. The motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation passed with the following vote:

Yes: Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. Helsel, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Simpson.

No: Mr. Paglia.

SA07: Dr. Kayser moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation to grant the appeal. The motion to support the subcommittee's recommendation passed unanimously.

IX. Communications:

  1. COS Curriculum Committee Minutes of 11/10/98.
  2. Faculty Senate Minutes of 11/10/98.
  3. Dr. Benedict asked the Council what library services members felt should remain on campus during the library renovation. One recommendation from the Graduate Student Advisory Committee was to keep all the journals in one location (by discipline). A question was raised as to where the computers will be located. One possible location is McAfee. Dr. Benedict will keep the Council informed as more information becomes available.
  4. Executive Action (11-18-98) from the College of Sciences.
  5. Email from Dr. Liu stating that he would be unable to attend today's meeting.
  6. Presidential Candidates will be on campus this week and next week. Dr. Benedict distributed the schedule to the Council. Dean Augustine and Dr. Benedict encouraged the Council and graduate faculty members to attend the interview sessions and evaluate the candidates.

X. Committee Reports:

  1. The catalog revision subcommittee reported that they are making progress and plan to present a draft to the Council during the spring semester.
  2. The thesis guidelines subcommittee has met and will bring recommendations to the Council during the spring semester.
  1. Executive Director's Report.
    1. The Strategic Plan has been sent to the Provost's office.
    2. Dean Augustine will attend the annual meeting of the National Conference on Graduate Schools next week in Vancouver.
    3. Plans are being finalized for the Graduate Forum and Exposition to be held during the Spring semester.
    4. Congratulations to the following Council members as Recipients of the 1998 Achievement and Contribution Awards: Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Simpson.

Below are Executive Actions that have been approved to become effective Fall 1999 (unless otherwise noted):

    1. Change course prefixes from EDG to CSD 5100, 5200, 5490, 5730, 5950, 5990, 6880, 6900, 6910.

2. Course Number And Title Change **

** Indicates course titles that have not changed

Old Course Number

Course Title

New Course Number

Course Title

EDG 5940

Research in Counseling and Student Development

CSD 5500

Research Methods

EDG 5600

Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling

CSD 5510

Professional Orientation

EDG 5120

Theories of Counseling

CSD 5520

Theories of Counseling**

EDG 5890

Current Practices and Problems in Counseling

CSD 5530


EDG 5400

Counseling for Cultural Diversity

CSD 5600

Cross-cultural Counseling

EDG 5721

Counseling Perspectives on Human Growth and Development

CSD 5610

Human Development for Counselors

EDG 6941

Principles of Group Counseling

CSD 5620

Group Counseling

EDG 5930

Counseling Practicum

CSD 5630


EDG 5760

Student Services and Programs in Higher Education

CSD 5700

Student Affairs in Higher Education

EDG 5770

Student Personnel Services and Administration in Higher Education

CSD 5710

Leadership and Administration in Higher Education

EDG 5780

The College Environment and Student Development

CSD 5720

Student Development Theory

EDG 5790

The Modern American College

CSD 5730

Assessing Collegiate Environments

EDG 5800

Governance and Finance in Higher Education

CSD 5750

Governance and Finance in Higher Education**

EDG 5880

Practicum in Student Personnel Work in Higher Education

CSD 5880

Practicum in Student Affairs

EDG 5881

Practicum in Student Personnel Work in Higher Education

CSD 5881

Practicum in Student Affairs

EDG 5720

Measurement Applied to Guidance

CSD 5900


EDG 5910

Organization and Administration of

Guidance and Personnel Services

CSD 5910

Management of School Counseling Programs

EDG 5920

Lifestyle and Career Development

CSD 5920

Career Counseling

EDG 5140

Essentials of Community Agency Counseling

CSD 5930

Foundations of Community Counseling

EDG 5360

Introduction to Family Counseling

CSD 5960

Family Counseling

EDG 5300

Counseling the Chemically Dependent

CSD 5970

Counseling the Chemically Dependent**

EDG 5894

Psychopathology and the DSM IV

CSD 5980

Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning





EDP 5960

Consultation Skills and Organizational Development

CSD 5740

Consultation Skills and Organizational Development


3. Prerequisites Change

Current Course


Proposed Course


Proposed Course Title

Current Prerequisite

Proposed Prerequisite

EDG 5880

CSD 5880

Practicum in Student Affairs

Permission of Department Chair

CSD 5700 (Student Affairs in Higher Education)






EDG 5881

CSD 5881

Practicum in Student Affairs

Permission of Department Chair

CSD 5700 (Student Affairs in Higher Education)

EDG 5894

CSD 5980

Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning


Abnormal Psychology within five years of taking course

EDG 5930

CSD 5630


Full admission to department, approved study plan, EDG 5890 (Current Practices and Problems in Counseling) with a grade of B or above

CSD 5500 (Research Method),

CSD 5510 (Professional Orientation),

CSD 5520 (Theories of Counseling), and CSD 5530 (Pre-Practicum)


Concurrently with

CSD 5600 (Cross-cultural Counseling)

CSD 5610 (Human Development for Counselors) and CSD 5620 (Group Counseling)

EDG 6941

CSD 5620

Group Counseling

EDG 5890 (Current Practices and Problems in Counseling)

CSD 5500 (Research Method),

CSD 5510 (Professional Orientation),

CSD 5520 (Theories of Counseling), and

CSD 5530 (Pre-Practicum)

4. PLS 4843 - Change title from Analysis of Urban Politics to Cities and Urban Politics.

5. CHM 4760 – Change title and course description to read as follows: "Advanced Metabolism. (3-0-3) S. A continuation of Chemistry 3450 emphasizing mechanisms and control of enzyme action in energetic metabolic pathways and biosynthesis of nucleotides, carbohydrates, and lipids."

6. CHM 4765 – Change course description and prerequisites to read as follows: "Introduction to experimentation with biochemical systems, processes, and compounds including protein purification, enzyme kinetics, and recombinant DNA techniques. Prerequisites: CHM 2730 & 3450."

7. CHM 4860 – Change title and course description to read as follows: "Complex Biochemical Systems. (3-0-3) F. Topics may include protein structure and function, enzyme mechanisms, transcription, DNA replication, regulation of DNA expression, and cellular signaling pathways."

8. CHM 4790 – Change course offering from "S-odd-numbered years" to "On demand" and change prerequisites to read as follows: "Prerequisites: CHM 2840 or permission of instructor." Effective date: Spring 1999.

9. CHM 5460 - Change title, course description, and prerequisites to read as follows: "Advanced Biochemistry. (3) Selected areas of biochemistry which may include mechanisms of biological processes, enzyme action, genetic and hormonal control, and metabolic cycles. Recent biochemical research will be emphasized through discussion of articles from primary journals. Prerequisite: CHM 4760 or 4860 or permission of instructor."

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.

Please note: All Council Minutes and Agenda are available on the Web at http://www.eiu.edu/~eiucgs.



Tuesday, January 19, 1999, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union

Agenda: 98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

98-44 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.