November 17, 1998

The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. Kayser, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Mr. Paglia, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. L. Simpson.

Members absent: Dr. Augustine, Dr. C. Helsel.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Dr. Evans, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. C. Cooper, Dr. S. Daniel, Dr. B. Fischer, Dr. K. Kruse, Dr. A. Methven, Dr. R. Wandling.

Chair Benedict requested the order be changed in order to accommodate the guests.

  1. Minutes.
  2. The Minutes of November 3, 1998, were approved as corrected: III. 2. …during the Spring Semester and forwarded on to the regional competition….

  3. 98-49 PLS 5273, Presidential Politics, Revised Course.
  4. Dr. Richard Wandling, Political Science, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 1999:

    PLS 5273. Presidential Politics (3-0-3) PRES POLITICS. An analysis of presidential politics in the United States, focusing on the approaches used to study the presidency, presidential elections, personality, power, decision-making, and the office of the presidency.

  5. 98-50 BIO 4800, Research Techniques, New Course.
  6. Dr. Kipp Kruse, Dr. Steven Daniel, Dr. Bud Fischer, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the new course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1999:

    BIO 4800. Research Techniques (2-0-2) F, S. RESEARCH TECH. The principles of biological research, including review of the literature, bibliographic databases, and effective presentation of research results. (Replaces BOT 4601, 4602 and 5100.)

  7. 98-51 BIO 4818, Environmental Microbiology, Revised Course.
  8. Dr. Kipp Kruse, Dr. Steven Daniel, Dr. Bud Fischer, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2000:

    BIO 4818. Environmental Microbiology. (2-4-4) S-even-numbered-years. ENVIRON MICRO. An introduction to the principles, applications, and methodologies of environmental microbiology with emphasis on microbial interactions with animals and plants, on the microbiology of air, water, sewage, and soils, and on the role of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycling. The use of microorganisms in the bioremediation of environmental pollutants and in the recovery and enhancement of environmental resources will also be considered. Prerequisite: BIO 3300 or equivalent. (Replaces BOT 5342.)

  9. 98-52 BIO 4836, Pathogenic Microbiology, New Course.
  10. Dr. Kipp Kruse, Dr. Steven Daniel, Dr. Bud Fischer, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the new course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2001:

    BIO 4836. Pathogenic Microbiology. (2-4-4) S-odd-numbered years. PATH MICRO. An introduction to the role and activities of pathogenic microorganisms in the diseases of humans, animals, and plants with emphasis on the history, classification, morphology, nutrition and growth, metabolism, genetics, and virulence factors of disease-causing prokaryotes as well as the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the diseases they cause. The laboratory will emphasize clinical techniques required for the isolation, cultivation, and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. Prerequisite: BIO 3300 or equivalent.

  11. 98-53 BIO 5206, Advanced Limnology, Revised Course.
  12. Dr. Kipp Kruse, Dr. Steven Daniel, Dr. Bud Fischer, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised course passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2000:

    BIO 5206. Advanced Limnology. (2-3-3) S. ADVANCED LIMN. Investigation of the functioning of lakes and reservoirs with specific regard to the relative roles of physical, chemical and biological factors in determining species distribution and abundance. Emphasis will be placed on lake and reservoir management and restoration. (Replaces EVB 4820.)

  13. Communications.
    1. COTE Minutes of 10/27/98.
    2. CAA Minutes of 10/29/98 and 11/5/98.
    3. CEPS Curriculum Committee Minutes of 10/26/98.
    4. COS Curriculum Committee Minutes of 10/27/98.
    5. Faculty Senate Minutes of 11/3/98.
    6. GEAC Minutes of 11/2/98.
    7. Executive Action (11/11/98) from the College of Sciences.
    8. Executive Action (11/11/98) from the Department of Counseling and Student Development.
    9. Email from Christine Helsel stating that she will not be at the meeting on 11/17/98.

VIII.Committee Reports.

    1. Dr. Benedict reported that the Library Advisory Board met 10/14/98. Discussion included temporary locations, which items will be moved to closed stacks, etc. Dr. Benedict requested feedback from the graduate faculty on what library services they would like to see retained on campus for graduate students. He would like this information before December 1.
    2. Dr. Benedict reported that the ATAC committee met 11/6/98 and discussion included the student technology fee usage. This information is available on the web at http://www.eiu.edu/~infotech. Dr. Benedict requested input as to the role and scope of the ATAC committee.
    3. The Presidential interviews will be held in the near future. Dr. Benedict requested pertinent questions that the Council would like to see addressed. Some suggestions were: What experience does the candidate have with graduate education, particularly at masters' degree granting institutions? What emphasis or commitment does the candidate feel regarding funding of graduate education? How important is research (both student and faculty) to graduate education? What are the candidate's expectations of graduate faculty and students? How would the candidate support the fulfillment of these expectations?

IX. Put on the Agenda.

98-4 Student Appeals (SA04, SA 05, SA06).

98-55 CSD 5510, Professional Orientation, New Course.

98-56 CSD 5910, Management of School Counseling, Revised Course.

98-57 CSD 5940, Foundations of School Counseling, Revised Course.

98-58 "College Student Affairs," New Concentration Title.

98-59 School Counseling & College Student Affairs Concentrations, Revised Requirements.

Dr. Kayser moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to put these items on the agenda. Voting will be later.

  1. Executive Director's Report.

Dr. Carolyn Cooper, Acting Associate Dean of the Graduate School and International Programs, presented the revised Cost Provision Form. The revised form will require units requesting curricular revisions to be more financially accountable and will now require the Provost's signature.

Executive Actions that have been approved to become effective Fall 1999:

1. MAT 4810 – Change title from "Topics in Elementary and Junior High Mathematics" to "Topics in Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics"; revise statement in course description to read: "Topics from mathematics useful in the elementary, middle level, and/or junior high…."; and change prerequisites to read: "Prerequisites: High school Geometry and Algebra II, or MAT 1271 or placement by ACT Mathematics score; and MAT 1420 and 2420C, all with a C or better."

2. MAT 4920 -- Change "geometrics" to "geometries" and change prerequisites to read: "Prerequisites: MAT 1271 or placement by ACT Mathematics score; and MAT 1420 and 2420C, all with a C or better."

3. Change course prefixes from "BOT"(Botany) and "ZOO"(Zoology) to "BIO"(Biological Sciences) for the following courses (old prefixes are in parentheses):

BIO 4892 (BOT) BIO 5340 (ZOO) BIO 5400 (ZOO)

BIO 5225 (ZOO) BIO 5351 (BOT) BIO 5410 (ZOO)

BIO 5232 (BOT) BIO 5362 (BOT) BIO 5452 (BOT)

4. Delete the following courses from the curriculum:

BIO 5100 ZOO 4750 ZOO 5110

BOT 5050 ZOO 4840 ZOO 5130

BOT 5110 ZOO 4900 ZOO 5255

BOT 5130 ZOO 5000 ZOO 5300

BOT 5271 ZOO 5050 ZOO 5370

EVB 4820

5.Change course prefixes and courses numbers for the following courses (old course numbers & prefixes are in parentheses):

BIO 4810 (BOT 4811) BIO 4952 (ZOO 4772) BIO 5048 (ZOO 5040)

BIO 4812 (ZOO 4769) BIO 4954 (ZOO 4774) BIO 5051 (ZOO 5150)

BIO 4814 (ZOO 4760) BIO 4956 (ZOO 4777) BIO 5202 (ZOO 5210)

BIO 4816 (EVB 4903) BIO 4960 (BOT 4901) BIO 5204 (EVB 4840)

BIO 4820 (ZOO 4830) BIO 4962 (BOT 4902) BIO 5360 (BOT 5371)

BIO 4830 (ZOO 4850) BIO 4984 (ZOO 4755) BIO 5364 (BOT 5102)

BIO 4832 (ZOO 4888) BIO 5041 (BOT 5010) BIO 5366 (BOT 5202)

BIO 4834 (ZOO 4950) BIO 5042 (BOT 5020) BIO 5370 (ZOO 5375)

BIO 4940 (BOT 4882) BIO 5043 (BOT 5030) BIO 5372 (ZOO 5376)

BIO 4942 (BOT 4904) BIO 5044 (BOT 5040) BIO 5402 (BOT 5472)

BIO 4944 (BOT 4751) BIO 5045 (ZOO 5010) BIO 5404 (BOT 5482)

BIO 4946 (BOT 4821) BIO 5046 (ZOO 5020) BIO 5406 (ZOO 5420)

BIO 4950 (ZOO 4770) BIO 5047 (ZOO 5030)

6. BOT 4801 – Change course prefix, course number and course title from "BOT 4801. Systematic Botany" to "BIO 4948. Plant Taxonomy."

7.Consolidate BOT 5120 and ZOO 5120 into one course. Change the prefix, course number and course description to read as follows:

"BIO 5049. Field Ecology for Teachers. (3) A study of techniques for sampling data and specimens that will illustrate the relationships of plants, animals and physical factors in the prairie, forest, and aquatic communities. Emphasis will be on the application to secondary teaching."

8.Consolidate BOT 5140 and ZOO 5140 into one course. Change the prefix, course number and course description to read as follows:

"BIO 5050. Genetics and Evolution for Teachers. (3) The fundamental principles of genetics (classical, molecular, population) and the relationship of genetics to the theory of evolution by natural selection. A diversity of laboratory exercises will be designed to illustrate genetic concepts basic to both animal and plant forms."

The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.

Please note: All Council Minutes and Agenda are available on the Web at http://www.eiu.edu/~eiucgs.




Tuesday, December 1, 1998, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union


98-4 Student Appeals (SA04, SA05, SA06).

98-55 CSD 5510, Professional Orientation, New Course.

98-56 CSD 5910, Management of School Counseling, Revised Course.

98-57 CSD 5940, Foundations of School Counseling, Revised Course.

98-58 "College Student Affairs," New Concentration Title.

98-59 School Counseling & College Student Affairs Concentrations, Revised Requirements.