September 1, 1998

The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. C. Helsel, Dr. Kayser, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. L. Simpson.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. C. Cooper, Dr. G. Fritz.

I. Welcome.

Chair Benedict welcomed all the new and returning members to the Council.

II. Minutes.

The Minutes of April 21, 1998, were approved as published.

III. 98-37 ZOO 5430, Population Genetics, New Course.

Dr. Gary Fritz, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the new course passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Spring 1999:

ZOO 5430, Population Genetics. (3-2-3) F of alternating years. POP GENETICS. Theoretical principles of population genetics and application of experimental methodology using quantitative and analytical methods. Laboratory topics: nucleic acid analyses, enzyme electrophoresis, polytene chromosome examinations, and statistical analyses. Prerequisites: BIO 3200 and either BIO 4750, MAT 2250C or equivalent.

IV. Communications.

1. Memo (7-21-98) from Dr. Jeanne Simpson regarding academic load policy changes for summer.

2. Memo (8-25-98) from Dr. Charles Evans requesting that the Council appoint a representative to serve a two-year term on the University Academic Assessment Committee. Dr. Linda Reven was appointed.

3. COTE Membership List and Meeting Dates for 1998-99.

4. CAA Meeting Dates for 1998-99.

5. COTE Minutes of July 9, 1998.

6. Copy of Memo (8-28-98) from Dr. Augustine appointing Dr. Lynda Kayser to serve on CGS as the Dean=s Appointment for 1998-99.

7. E-mail from Dr. Robert Fischer requesting a representative for the Library Advisory Board. Dr. Reed Benedict will serve as CGS representative.

8. Memo from Dean Hohengarten requesting a representative for the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. Dr. Linda Simpson will serve as CGS representative.

9. Copy of memo from Mark Haines requesting a Graduate Faculty Marshall for Commencement. Council members need to get their nominations to Dean Augustine by September 9, 1998.

10. Copy of memo from Mary Herrington-Perry stating that the IBHE has approved the M.S. in Community Counseling degree.

V. Committee Reports.

The following subcommittees were appointed:

Academic Load Policy: Dr. Benedict, Dr. Lenihan.

Awards: Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Raybin.

Policies/Catalog: Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. Kayser.

Student Appeals: Dr. Benedict, Dr. Carson, Dr. Lenihan.

Thesis Guidelines: Dr. Helsel, Dr. Liu, Dr. Simpson.

(Dr. Augustine will serve as ex-officio member of these subcommittees.)

VI. 98-38 PLS 5433, Proseminar in Comparative Politics, New Course.

98-39 Political Science Major, Revision.

98-40 PSY 5800, Psychotherapy with Diverse Populations, New Course.

98-41 THA 4834, Methods of Play Production in Middle and Secondary Schools, New Course.

98-42 MBA 5540, International Business, New Course.

98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

98-44 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.

98-45 Academic Load Policy Changes for Summer Term.

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Reven seconded the motion to put these items on the agenda. Voting will be later.

VII. 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

Dr. Carson moved and Dr. Simpson seconded the motion to postpone this item until a revised draft is ready for presentation to the Council. The motion to postpone passed by consensus.

VIII. 97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.

This item was tabled last year until resubmission. Dr. Brown indicated that the proposal would possibly be ready for the September 15, 1998, meeting.

IX. 97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.

Dr. Benedict moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to take this item from the table. The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Augustine reported that no revisions are necessary at this time. Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to accept the current bylaws that were approved by the Council on 4-1-97. The motion to accept the current bylaws passed unanimously.

  1. .Dr. Lenihan recommended that the new Council members receive copies of the Report from the Task Force and a copy of the current course proposal format. Dr. Augustine distributed copies of the course proposal format. He will see that the new members receive copies of the Report from the Task Force.


XI. Executive Director=s Report.

Dean Augustine presented the following information to the Council:

1. Acting Associate Dean. Dr. Carolyn Cooper gave a brief report regarding the International Programs. This semester there are 139 international students (including 53 new students) from 41 different countries. Dr. Cooper and the staff in International Programs will be working to improve the service to and the visibility of the international students.

2. Task Force Recommendations. The Task Force that was assigned to study the structure of the Graduate School recommended that Model A would best serve the institution at this time.

3. Status of IBHE Reviews. This will be presented to the Council at a later date.

4. Data on Graduate Program & Initiatives. Dean Augustine distributed a copy of the program major review data for the past ten years.

5. Waiver Report.

6. Meetings with Deans & Chairs. Dean Augustine shared the agenda for Graduate, Research & International Programs.

7. 1998-99 Graduate Coordinators.

8. Graduate Assistantship Report.

9. Summary of Summer 1998 Graduates.

10. ZOO 4810 changed to ZOO 3810.

11. Executive Actions that have been approved to date:

The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.



Tuesday, September 15, 1998, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union

Agenda: 97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer


98-38 PLS 5433, Proseminar in Comparative Politics, New Course.

98-39 Political Science Major, Revision.

98-40 PSY 5800, Psychotherapy with Diverse Populations, New Course.

98-41 THA 4834, Methods of Play Production in Middle and Secondary Schools, New Course.

98-42 MBA 5540, International Business, New Course.

98-43 Thesis Guidelines Revision.

98-44 1999-2000 Catalog Revision.

98-45 Academic Load Policy Changes for Summer Term.

*Tabled until resubmission.