April 7, 1998


The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union. 

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Carson, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Ms. Muehl, Dr. Smitley.

Members absent: Dr. Parcells, Dr. Wayland.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. L. Kayser, Dr. T. Hawkins. 

Vice Chair Benedict presided at the meeting. 

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of March 31, 1998, were approved as published. 

II. Committee Reports.

1. Ms. Muehl reported that the Graduate Student Advisory Council voted to support Model A of the Task Force Report.

2. Dr. Born reported that the Noel-Levitz survey has been completed and the UAAC will be reviewing the results. The UAAC is working on the organization of the committee, such as bylaws, etc.

3. Dr. Born reported that the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee had discussed student loads and that some students take five years to graduate. 

III. 98-36 Web Registration/Prerequisite Monitoring.

Dr. Born moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the motion to add this item to the agenda. Voting will be later. 

IV. 97-20R Proposed New Professional Off-Campus (Non-Degree) Student Policy.

Dean Augustine, Graduate School, and Dr. Thomas Hawkins, Off-Campus and Contract Programs, presented the proposals and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously. The service fee is pending approval from the President’s Council. 

This action approves Attachment A to become effective Fall 1998.

V. 98-33 New Course Proposal, EDG 5140, Essentials of Community Agency Counseling.

Dr. Lynda Kayser, Educational Psychology and Guidance, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously. 

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

EDG 5140, Essentials of Community Agency Counseling. (3) COMMUNITY COUNS. This course will acquaint students with major occurrences in the field of community counseling. It will include the setting, functions, training, and ethical standards required for successful participation in the mental health field. Specific problems clients encounter and assessment, intake procedures, treatment planning, case summaries, case notes, and therapeutic techniques will be addressed. A multi cultural approach will be provided. (Previous or current participation in EDG 5890 is recommended.) 

VI. 98-34 New Major, M.S. in Community Counseling.

Dr. Lynda Kayser, Educational Psychology and Guidance, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.  

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998 (pending IBHE approval): 


The Department of Counseling and Student Development offers a graduate program in counseling that prepares students to work as counselors in community agencies, employment services, mental health agencies, correctional facilities, youth services, etc. The program meets the Council for Accreditation of Counseling Related Educational Program (CACREP) standards and licensure requirements for the State of Illinois. 

Degree Offered: M.S. Major: Community Counseling 

Admission Requirements: Degree status admission to the Graduate School, MAT or GRE (General) scores. 

Department Admission Requirements:

1. Complete and submit the departmental application.

2. Submit two departmental recommendation forms from individuals familiar with applicant’s academic or work performance.

3. A pre-admission/orientation workshop is required.

Study Plan Approval: The study plan shall be approved by the department and filed with the student’s advisor prior to the completion of 12 semester hours of graduate credits which count toward the graduate degree.  

Requirements for Degree:

EDG 5120 Theories of Counseling 3 s.h.

EDG 5140 Essentials of Community Agency Counseling 3 s.h.

EDG 5300 Counseling the Chemically Dependent 3 s.h.

EDG 5360 Introduction to Family Counseling 3 s.h.

EDG 5400 Counseling for Cultural Diversity 3 s.h.

EDG 5721 Counseling Perspectives on Human Development 3 s.h.

EDG 5720 Measurement Applied to Guidance 3 s.h.

EDG 5890 Current Practices and Problems in Counseling 3 s.h.

EDG 5894 Psychopathology and the DSM IV 3 s.h.

EDG 5920 Lifestyle and Career Development 3 s.h.

EDG 5930 Counseling Practicum 3 s.h.

EDG 5940 Research in Counseling and Student Personnel 3 s.h.

+EDG 6900 Internship 6 s.h.

EDG 6941 Principles of Group Counseling 3 s.h.

EDP 5520 Understanding the Individual 3 s.h. 

+EDG 6900 must be taken for 3 semester hours for two consecutive semesters totaling 6 semester hours. 

All students are required to complete a final comprehensive examination or write a thesis prior to completion of the graduate degree. 

Graduation Requirements: Same as for the Graduate School. 

Graduate Assistantships are available. Contact Department Chair, Room 2102, Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920 (217-581-2400). 

VII. 98-35 New Department Name, Department of Counseling and Student Development.

Dr. Lynda Kayser, Educational Psychology and Guidance, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998 (pending IBHE approval): 

Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance changed to Department of Counseling and Student Development.  

VIII. 98-4 Student Appeals (SA02).

Dr. Carson moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to add this item to the agenda and suspend the rules and act on it at this meeting. The motion passed unanimously. 

Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Born seconded the motion to support the subcommittee’s recommendation to deny the appeal. The motion to deny the appeal passed unanimously. 

IX. 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

Dr. Born moved and Dr. Liu seconded the motion to postpone this item until the next meeting. The motion to postpone passed by consensus.  

X. 98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship Section of the Graduate Catalog.

Dr. Carson moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to divide the question. The motion to divide the questions passed unanimously. 

98-5a passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

 To be eligible, the applicant must have earned a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 (4.0 scale) on the graded academic course work from the degree-granting institution and have been fully admitted to a graduate degree program or must have earned a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 (4.0 scale) on the last 60 semester hours of graded academic course work from the degree-granting institution and have been fully admitted to a graduate degree program.

98-5b passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

Graduate students who have not earned a 3.00 cumulative undergraduate GPA or 3.00 on the last 60 semester hours of graded undergraduate course work become eligible for assistantships after they complete nine (9) semester hours of graduate course work (courses numbered 4750 or higher) and earn a graduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher.

 98-5c & 5d passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

Fall and spring assistantship appointments require that graduate assistants remain enrolled on campus as degree-seeking students for a minimum of eight (8) semester hours of graduate course work (courses numbered 4750 or above). With prior approval of the Graduate Dean, assistants may substitute undergraduate teacher certification, professional certification or required prerequisite courses for the graduate courses required for compliance with assistantship requirements; however, the student must remain enrolled on campus as a degree-seeking student for a minimum of eight (8) semester hours. Contracts are terminated if students fail to comply with this regulation. 

Summer assistantship appointments require that graduate assistants remain enrolled on campus as degree-seeking students for a minimum of six (6) semester hours of graduate course work (courses numbered 4750 or above). With prior approval of the Graduate Dean, assistants may substitute undergraduate teacher certification, professional certification, or required prerequisite courses for the graduate courses required for compliance with assistantship requirements; however, the student must remain enrolled on campus as a degree-seeking student for a minimum of six (6) semester hours. Contracts are terminated if students fail to comply with this regulation. 

98-5e passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

Graduate students who have held regular on-campus assistantship contracts for at least four (4) months immediately preceding summer term or who have signed a graduate assistant contract for Fall semester may apply for a summer term tuition waiver scholarship. Summer tuition waiver scholarships require that students remain enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours of graduate-level course work or approved prerequisites during the summer term. Only one (1) summer tuition waiver per 9-month graduate assistant contract may be claimed. Tuition waiver scholarships are terminated if students fail to comply with this regulation. 

98-5f passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

If at the end of any fall or spring grading period, an assistant has failed to complete 8 semester hours of graduate course work or approved prerequisites, or if at the end of a summer term an assistant has failed to complete 6 semester hours of graduate course work or approved prerequisites, or if the cumulative graduate grade-pont average and approved undergraduate prerequisites is below 3.0, the graduate assistant contract will be terminated. 

98-5g passed unanimously. This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

Graduate assistants who are in compliance with enrollment in eight (8) semester hours of graduate course work or approved prerequisites during the fall/spring terms and six (6) semester hours of graduate course work or approved prerequisites during the summer term will receive a full tuition waiver unless otherwise specified in the contract. Program and service fees are not waived as part of a tuition waiver scholarship. Graduate assistants may not receive reimbursement for additional employment from funds administered by the University during the contract period. The contract period is the time between the beginning and ending date of the contract. 

Dr. Born exited the meeting at this point. 

XI. 98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.

Dean Augustine, Graduate School, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The Council recommended adding an additional cover sheet for Field Experience. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.  

This action approves Attachment B to become effective immediately. 

XII. Executive Director’s Report.

1. The Task Force information forums were held. Two additional presentation were conducted by Dean Augustine for the Deans’ Council and the GSAC. The GSAC has made its recommendation. Many of the evaluation forms have been returned.

2. Tuesday, April 14, 1998, will be the day to celebrate graduate education on campus. Dean Augustine encouraged the Council to attend the Distinguished Graduate Student Awards Reception that evening.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.




Tuesday, April 21, 1998, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union


Agenda: 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

98-36 Web Registration/Prerequisite Monitoring.

97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.*

97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.**

*Tabled until resubmission.

**Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.