April 21, 1998


The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union. 

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Carson, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Smitley, Dr. Wayland.

Members absent: Dr. Liu, Ms. Muehl, Dr. Parcells.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Ms. M. Evans, Ms. V. Hampton, Ms. S. Harvey, Mr. D. Sardella, Mr. M. Taylor. 

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of April 7, 1998, were approved as published.  

II. Committee Reports.

1. Dr. Smitley will not be able to attend a meeting of the Radio-TV Advisory Committee. A Council member will be asked to attend in Dr. Smitley’s absence.

2. Dr. Born distributed the University Academic Assessment Committee Minutes for March 13 and April 3 meetings.

3. Chair Wayland shared a thank you note from student member Diane Muehl, who thanked the Council for making her feel welcome and for the opportunity to participate in a small way in the inside functions of the graduate program. 

III. Election of Officers.

Chair: Dr. Carson nominated Dr. Benedict. Dr. Born moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the motion to close the nominations. The motion to close the nominations passed. Dr. Benedict was elected by acclamation.  

Vice Chair: Dr. Wayland nominated Dr. Carson. Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Benedict seconded the motion to close the nominations. The motion to close the nominations passed. Dr. Carson was elected by acclamation.  

IV. 98-37 ZOO 5430, Population Genetics, New Course.

Dr. Carson moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to put this item on the agenda. Voting will take place later. 

V. 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

Dr. Born and Dr. Lenihan presented proposed changes to the New Course Proposal Format. Discussion followed. Dr. Born will revise the proposal and contact the Council via e-mail. By consensus, this item was postponed until the Fall semester. 

Dr. Lenihan exited the meeting during the discussion of this item. 

VI. 98-36 Web Registration/Prerequisite Monitoring.

Mr. Michael Taylor, Registration, presented the report and answered questions of the Council. The motion to support this project passed unanimously. 

VII. Executive Director’s Report.

1. Dean Augustine commended Nicole Weber of the Graduate Student Advisory Council, and Susan Hankenson of the Graduate School, for their fine work on the Graduate Student Award Ceremony.

2. Dean Augustine thanked all the people involved for their help in a successful Graduate Student Forum series.

3. The IBHE review of graduate programs is almost completed.

4. Dean Augustine recently attended a conference in Chicago for Illinois Association of Graduate Schools (IAGS) and Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS). He pointed out a few items that he felt might be of interest to the Council:

legal issues related to graduate admission criteria & practices

expectations of master’s degree candidates

criteria for judging master’s degree programs

changes in GRE and TOEFL tests

IBHE reviews of graduate programs

on-line applications and admissions

5. The Task Force reviewing the structure of the Graduate School will meet to review the data. A report will be available after members complete their study.

VIII. Task Force on the Structure of the Graduate School.

Dr. Leddy moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the following motion: "The Council on Graduate Studies supports a model that retains the Graduate School and the Graduate Dean." The motion passed unanimously.

IX. Graduate Program Review.

Mary Herrington-Perry distributed some information on the IBHE Review of Graduate Education. She highlighted some of the data and answered questions of the Council. 

Dr. Born exited the meeting at this point. 

X. Chair Wayland thanked Vice Chair Benedict for filling in for him during his absences this past year.

Dr. Smitley expressed his pleasure of having had the opportunity of serving on the Council for eight years.

Dr. Leddy also thanked the Council for the opportunity of serving.

Dean Augustine expressed his appreciation to the Council for its work with him during this year.

XI. The new Council members beginning Fall semester will be: Linda Simpson (College of Business & Applied Sciences), Linda Reven (College of Education & Professional Studies), Christine Helsel and David Raybin (College of Arts and Humanities).


The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.


Agenda: 98-37 ZOO 5430, Population Genetics, New Course.

97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.*

97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.**

*Tabled until resubmission.

**Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.