March 31, 1998


The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, 1998, in the Greenup Room of the MLK Union.


Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Carson, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Smitley, Dr. Wayland.

Members absent: Dr. Liu, Ms. Muehl, Dr. Parcells.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

Guest present: Dr. K. Andrew, Dr. A. Baharlou, Dr. D. Ebdon, Dr. E. Keiter, Dr. K. Kruse, Dr. J. McGaughey, Dr. T. Mills, Dr. M. Nibbelin, Dr. C. Noll, Dean Wall, Dr. J. Wayland.

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of March 3, 1998, were approved as published.

II. Committee Reports.

1. Dr. Lenihan reported that the Textbook Rental Advisory Committee will be conducting a study of the system. Dr. Lenihan felt that since the study will take time to conduct and review, agenda item 98-6 should be deleted. Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Carson seconded to postpone agenda item 98-6 indefinitely. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Dr. Born reported that the University Academic Assessment Committee will complete a full report soon.

III. 98-33 New Course Proposal, EDG 5140, Essentials of Community Agency Counseling.

98-34 New Major, M.S. in Community Counseling.

98-35 New Department Name, Department of Counseling and Student Development.

Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to add these items to the agenda. Voting will be later.

IV. 98-8R New Course Proposal, MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling.

Dr. Cheryl Noll and Dr. Jane Wayland, School of Business, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

 This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998:

MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling. (3-0-3) F, S. QUANT MODELING. A study of practical statistics and operations research topics using spreadsheet models. Statistical concepts include confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, t-tests, ANOVA’s, and correlation analysis. Operations research topics will integrate finance, marketing and operation management models using spreadsheets. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA degree program, and all Phase I courses. (This course replaces MBA 5590.)

V. 98-9R Revision of MBA 5530, Communication Analysis.

Dr. Cheryl Noll and Dr. Jane Wayland, School of Business, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

MBA 5530, Communication Analysis. (3-0-3) Alternating fall and summer. COMM ANLYS. The course emphasizes the importance of effective principles of communication at the organizational level. The communication audit process will be used as a research tool to investigate practices in organizations in order to make recommendations for improving the organization’s communication processes and systems. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA degree program.

VI. 98-10R Revision of the MBA Program.

Dr. Cheryl Noll and Dr. Jane Wayland, School of Business, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998: 

Phase II

The required courses in the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program are: 

MBA 5510 -- Business Research Methods 3 s.h.(will be an elective)

MBA 5500 -- Quantitative Modeling 3 s.h.

MBA 5550 -- Marketing Management 3 s.h.

MBA 5590 -- Operations Research 3 s.h.

MBA 5605 -- Managerial Accounting Control 3 s.h.

MBA 5640 -- Financial Management 3 s.h.

MBA 5660 -- Operations Management 3 s.h.

MBA 5670 -- Management Information Systems 3 s.h.

MBA 5680 -- Organizational Behavior and Group Dynamics 3 s.h.

MBA 5890 -- Administrative Policy 3 s.h.

Electives1 69 s.h.

TOTAL 33 s.h.

Elective courses must be in business or related subjects and must be approved by the M.B.A. Coordinator. 

VII. 98-11R New Course Proposal, ACC 5200, Financial Accounting Standards.

98-12R New Course Proposal, ACC 5300, Controllership/Strategic Management Accounting.

98-13R New Course Proposal, ACC 5600, Advanced Auditing.

98-14R New Course Proposal, ACC 5700, Seminar on Challenges in Professional Accounting.

98-15R New Course Proposal, ACC 5800, Advanced Federal Income Tax.

Dr. Tim Mills, Dr. Michael Nibbelin, and Dr. Jane Wayland, School of Business, presented the proposals and answered questions of the Council. Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to vote on these items as a group. The motion passed by consensus. The motion to approve the proposals passed unanimously.  

This action approves the following to become effective as stated: 

ACC 5200, Financial Accounting Standards. (3-0-3) S. ACC STANDARDS. A study of the standards which comprise generally accepted accounting principles in the financial accounting area. Includes a study of the standards-setting process and the roles of such groups as the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Emerging Issues Task Force, and the International Accounting Standards Committee. Prerequisites: ACC 3200, 3250, 4500, or their equivalents; admission to MBA program. 

ACC 5300, Controllership/Strategic Management Accounting. (3) F. CONTROLLERSHIP. The course examines the important managerial role played by the accountant in organizations. It will explore the uses of accounting information in helping the organization achieve its objectives. Extensive use of case study method. Prerequisites: Admission to MBA program and an upper-division, undergraduate cost/management accounting course grade-point of at least 2.5. 

ACC 5600, Advanced Auditing. (3-0-3) F. ADV AUDITING. Current auditing philosophy, standards, techniques, and professional standards are extensively investigated and related to auditing activities. Special topics include design of audit programs in relation to the client’s system of internal controls and such factors as relative risk and materiality. Other topics include the impact of EDP, auditing sampling and preparation of auditors reports and qualifications therein. Prerequisite: ACC 4550 or 4600 or equivalent. 

ACC 5700, Seminar on Challenges in Professional Accounting. (3) S. ACC CHALLENGES. An in-depth study of various accounting topics, including discussions of controversial issues. Actual and hypothetical scenarios will be presented for group analysis, evaluation, and presentation of possible accounting treatments. The scenarios will represent accounting problems which demonstrate the ambiguities and uncertainties faced by accounting professionals. Prerequisites: ACC 4300, 4500, 4550, 4600, 5200, or their equivalents; admission to the MBA program. 

ACC 5800, Advanced Federal Income Tax. (3) S. ADV FED TAX. A study of tax provisions regarding the planning, administration and compliance requirements of estates, trusts, and qualified pension and profit sharing plans. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program.

VIII. 98-16 New Course Proposal, SCI 5000, Contemporary Issues and Ethics in Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-17 New Course Proposal, SCI 5001, Statistical Applications for Natural Science Teachers.

98-18 New Course Proposal, SCI 5002, History of Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-19 New Course Proposal, SCI 5003, Introduction to Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-20 New Course Proposal, SCI 5004, Special Projects for Natural Science Teachers.

98-21 New Course Proposal, SCI 5005, Seminar for Natural Science Teachers.

98-22 New Course Proposal, SCI 5006, Independent Study for Natural Science Teachers.

98-23 New Course Proposal, SCI 5007, Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-24 New Course Proposal, SCI 5950, Thesis for Natural Science Teachers.

Dr. Keith Andrew, Physics; Dr. Alan Baharlou, Geology/Geography; Dr. David Ebdon, Botany; Dr. Ellen Keiter, Chemistry; Dr. Kipp Kruse, Zoology; Dr. James McGaughey, Biological Sciences; Dean Wall, College of Sciences, presented the proposals and answered questions of the Council. Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to vote on these items as a group. The motion passed by consensus. The motion to approve the proposals passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999: 

SCI 5000 – Contemporary Issues and Ethics in Science for Natural Science Teachers (3-0-3) SU. (On Demand) ISS ETH SCI TCH. Development of the foundation, theory, and practice of science and scientific ethics. Analysis of contemporary issues in the Biological and Physical Sciences and their potential impact on science, technology, and society. Prerequisite: Enrollment in M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI 5001 – Statistical Applications for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3) SU. (On Demand) STAT APP SCI TCH. Methods of quantitative analysis of educational and scientific data. This course will center on statistical concepts and statistical methodology useful in the descriptive, experimental, and analytical study of educational and scientific phenomena. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor. 

SCI 5002 – History of Science for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3) SU. (On Demand) HIST SCI TCH. This course examines the history of natural science from ancient to modern times, with emphasis on the dynamics of scientific investigation and the personalities and social context that shape initial acceptance or rejection of an idea. Case studies of the resolution of conflicting ideas and competing experiments are studied. The ultimate determination of the validity of any scientific theory is experiment. The conclusive experiments that resolved debates and led to major advances in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science and Physics are examined. Prerequisite: Enrollment in M.S. in Natural Sciences or consent of instructor.

SCI 5003 – Introduction to Research for Natural Science Teachers. (1-0-1) SU. INT RSC SCI TCH. This course examines the basics of constructing a sound research/project proposal. It also provides information on how students can apply for grants relevant to work conducted in their own local school district. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program.

SCI 5004 – Special Projects for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr-Arr-1) SPC PROJ SCI TCH. This course is a continuation of SCI 5003. Projects may include laboratory, theoretical, pedagogical or applied curricular work under the supervision of a faculty member. A final written report is required. Prerequisite: SCI 5003.

SCI 5005 – Seminar for Natural Science Teachers. (1-0-1) SU (On Demand). SEMINAR SCI TCH. This course will consist of oral presentations of research results from thesis or special projects. It will present an opportunity for information sharing and discussions in a small class setting. Prerequisites: SCI 5003, SCI 5004. 

SCI 5006 – Independent Study for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr-Arr- 1 to 3) On Demand. IND STD SCI TCH. Selected problems based upon the student’s background and interests. Prerequisites: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program, permission of instructor and instructor’s department chair. 

SCI 5007 – Research for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr-Arr- 1 to 3) On Demand. RESEARCH SCI TCH. Original research in science or science teaching conducted in consultation with a thesis advisor. A maximum of 6 semester hours in a combination of SCI 5007 and SCI 5950 may be applied toward the research and thesis component of the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree. Prerequisites: SCI 5003, enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program and permission of the instructor and instructor’s department chair. 

SCI 5950 – Thesis for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr-Arr- 1 to 3) On Demand. THESIS SCI TCH. Thesis based on original research conducted in consultation with a thesis advisor. Intended for thesis option students conducting original research in consultation with a thesis advisor. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and instructor’s department chair.  

Dr. Born exited the meeting at this point.

IX. 98-25 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5031, The Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-26 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5032, Evolution of the Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-27 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5033, The Hydrosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-28 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5034, Atmosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-29 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5035, Field Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-30 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5036, Laboratory Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-31 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5037, Special Topics in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers. 

Dr. Keith Andrew, Physics; Dr. Alan Baharlou, Geology/Geography; Dr. David Ebdon, Botany; Dr. Ellen Keiter, Chemistry; Dr. Kipp Kruse, Zoology; Dr. James McGaughey, Biological Sciences; Dean Wall, College of Sciences, presented the proposals and answered questions of the Council. Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Leddy seconded the motion to vote on these items as a group. The motion passed by consensus. The motion to approve the proposals passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999:

SCI/ESC 5031 - The Earth for Natural Science Teachers. (2-2-3) EARTH SCI TCH. Examination of Earth materials, nature and characteristics of minerals and rocks, soils, and agents that shape the face of the earth - rivers, glaciers, wind, waves and currents, subsurface waters; earth’s internal structure and composition, earthquakes and volcanic activity and continental drift and plate tectonics. Field and laboratory work included. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5032 - Evolution of the Earth for Natural Science Teachers. (2-2-3) SU. EV EARTH SCI TCH. A geologic study of life forms and land forms. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5033 - The Hydrosphere for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3) SU. HYDROSPH SCI TCH. A study of aspects of the water cycle on planet Earth. Special emphasis will be given to the importance of water to the distribution of plant and animal life, its effect on landforms and its importance as a resource for human populations. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5034 - Atmosphere for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3) SU. ATMOSPH SCI TCH. A systematic survey of the dynamic nature of earth’s atmosphere. Provides a background of global weather and climatic patterns. Topics include earth-sun relations, temperature, precipitation, air pressure, air masses, jet streams, severe weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, climatic classification, and climate change. Contemporary issues of atmospheric forecasting methodology are addressed. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5035 - Field Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers. (3-0-3) SU. FLD MTH SCI TCH. Field investigation of selected physiographic provinces, earth materials, earth resources, geological and geomorphological processes, their origins, environmental significance and importance to human systems. Credit not granted for SCI/ESC 5035 and ESC 4900 or ESC 4950. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5036 - Laboratory Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers. (3) SU. LAB METH SCI TCH. Use of laboratory instrumentation to measure and analyze earth materials. Special emphasis will be placed on the value of laboratory methods in identifying earth materials and solving problems in the earth sciences. Prerequisites: SCI/ESC5032 or SCI/ESC 5035, enrollment in the MS in Natural Sciences degree program or consent of instructor.

SCI/ESC 5037 - Special Topics in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr-Arr- 1 to 3). SU. SPEC TOP SCI TCH. Intensive investigation of relevant topics of student/faculty interest. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree program and consent of instructor.

Dr. Smitley exited the meeting at this point.

X. 98-32 New Course Proposal, SCI/BIO 5300, Special Topics in Biology for Natural Science Teachers.

Dr. Keith Andrew, Physics; Dr. Alan Baharlou, Geology/Geography; Dr. David Ebdon, Botany; Dr. Ellen Keiter, Chemistry; Dr. Kipp Kruse, Zoology; Dr. James McGaughey, Biological Sciences; Dean Wall, College of Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Summer 1999: 

SCI/BIO 5052. Special Topics in Biology for Natural Science Teachers. (Arr.-Arr.-1 to 3). SU. TOP BIO TECH. A course dealing with selected topics in biology of interest to teachers. May be repeated for credit if a different topic is taught. May be used for credit toward the M.S. in Natural Sciences degree only.

Dean Augustine commended the faculty, department chairs and the Dean for their work on the new courses. He stated that the Graduate School will be available to help in marketing the new program.

XI. Executive Director’s Report.

Executive Actions approved: 

MBA 5005 - Remove MAT 1300 as a prerequisite.

MBA 5670 - Remove COM 4250 as a prerequisite.

MBA 5590 - Remove COM 3800 as a prerequisite. 

Change PSY 5900 from 3 to 6 semester hours.

PSY 5980 should be listed in major NOT PSY 5890 (page 32 of current graduate catalog)


The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.




Tuesday, April 7, 1998, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union


Agenda for April 7, 1998, Meeting:

97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.

98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.

98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.

98-33 New Course Proposal, EDG 5140, Essentials of Community Agency Counseling.

98-34 New Major, M.S. in Community Counseling.

98-35 New Department Name, Department of Counseling and Student Development. 

Agenda Items Tabled:

97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.*

97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.**

*Tabled until resubmission.

**Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.