March 3, 1998


The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.


Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Carson, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Ms. Muehl, Dr. Smitley, Dr. Wayland.

Members absent: Dr. Parcells.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Academic Affairs.

Guest present: Mr. K. Norris, Ms. J. Resedean, Ms. S. Roberts, Ms. K. Takasu, Mr. T. Topa.


Vice Chair Benedict presided at the meeting.


I. Minutes.

The Minutes of February 17, 1998, were approved as corrected: Spelling of Dr. Liu’s name.

II. Committee Reports.

1. Dr. Born reported that the University Academic Assessment Council is assisting with the Noel-Levitz survey of 2500 students. He will keep the Council informed.

2. The Search Committee for the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs has given the President their evaluations of the candidates.

3. The subcommittee reviewing the CGS bylaws has recommended a clarification to the New Course Proposal Format: change the order in #9. Date approved by CAA, CGS and COTE. This recommendation will be referred to the Academic Affairs’ office.


III. 98-8 New Course Proposal, MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling.

98-9 Revision of MBA 5530, Communication Analysis.

98-10 Revision of the MBA Program.

98-11 New Course Proposal, ACC 5200, Financial Accounting Standards.

98-12 New Course Proposal, ACC 5300, Controllership/Strategic Management Accounting.

98-13 New Course Proposal, ACC 5600, Advanced Auditing.

98-14 New Course Proposal, ACC 5700, Seminar on Challenges in Professional Accounting.

98-15 New Course Proposal, ACC 5800, Advanced Federal Income Tax.

98-16 New Course Proposal, SCI 5000, Contemporary Issues and Ethics in Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-17 New Course Proposal, SCI 5001, Statistical Applications for Natural Science Teachers.

98-18 New Course Proposal, SCI 5002, History of Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-19 New Course Proposal, SCI 5003, Introduction to Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-20 New Course Proposal, SCI 5004, Special Projects for Natural Science Teachers.

98-21 New Course Proposal, SCI 5005, Seminar for Natural Science Teachers.

98-22 New Course Proposal, SCI 5006, Independent Study for Natural Science Teachers.

98-23 New Course Proposal, SCI 5007, Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-24 New Course Proposal, SCI 5950, Thesis for Natural Science Teachers.

98-25 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5031, The Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-26 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5032, Evolution of the Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-27 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5033, The Hydrosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-28 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5034, Atmosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-29 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5035, Field Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-30 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5036, Laboratory Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-31 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5037, Special Topics in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-32 New Course Proposal, SCI/BIO 5300, Special Topics in Biology for Natural Science Teachers.


Dr. Born moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the motion to add these items to the agenda. Voting will be later.


IV. 97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.

Dean Augustine would like to postpone this item until he can bring the entire package to the Council. By consensus of the Council, this item will be postponed.


V. 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Born seconded the motion to postpone this item until representatives from the CU Task Force could address the Council. Motion passed.


VI. 98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.

Dr. Carson moved and Dr. Leddy seconded the motion to postpone this item. Motion passed.


VII. 98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.

Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to postpone this item until a copy of the report is received and reviewed. Motion passed.


VIII. 98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.

Dr. Leddy moved and Dr. Born seconded the motion to postpone this item. Motion passed.


Dr. Wayland joined the meeting at this point.


IX. Executive Director’s Report.


The Task Force to Review the Structure of the Graduate School will be sending out five different models for faculty to evaluate. Information will be collected by April 3, 1998. There will be four open forums held regarding these models. Dean Augustine encouraged the Council to attend and to bring along their colleagues.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.




************NOTE NEW MEETING DATE************

*******************Tuesday, March 31, 1998, 2:00 p.m.*******************

Greenup Room, MLK Union


Agenda for March 31, 1998 Meeting:

98-8 New Course Proposal, MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling.

98-9 Revision of MBA 5530, Communication Analysis.

98-10 Revision of the MBA Program.

98-11 New Course Proposal, ACC 5200, Financial Accounting Standards.

98-12 New Course Proposal, ACC 5300, Controllership/Strategic Management Accounting.

98-13 New Course Proposal, ACC 5600, Advanced Auditing.

98-14 New Course Proposal, ACC 5700, Seminar on Challenges in Professional Accounting.

98-15 New Course Proposal, ACC 5800, Advanced Federal Income Tax.

98-16 New Course Proposal, SCI 5000, Contemporary Issues and Ethics in Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-17 New Course Proposal, SCI 5001, Statistical Applications for Natural Science Teachers.

98-18 New Course Proposal, SCI 5002, History of Science for Natural Science Teachers.

98-19 New Course Proposal, SCI 5003, Introduction to Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-20 New Course Proposal, SCI 5004, Special Projects for Natural Science Teachers.

98-21 New Course Proposal, SCI 5005, Seminar for Natural Science Teachers.

98-22 New Course Proposal, SCI 5006, Independent Study for Natural Science Teachers.

98-23 New Course Proposal, SCI 5007, Research for Natural Science Teachers.

98-24 New Course Proposal, SCI 5950, Thesis for Natural Science Teachers.

98-25 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5031, The Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-26 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5032, Evolution of the Earth for Natural Science Teachers.

98-27 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5033, The Hydrosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-28 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5034, Atmosphere for Natural Science Teachers.

98-29 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5035, Field Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-30 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5036, Laboratory Methods in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-31 New Course Proposal, SCI/ESC 5037, Special Topics in Earth Sciences for Natural Science Teachers.

98-32 New Course Proposal, SCI/BIO 5300, Special Topics in Biology for Natural Science Teachers.


Agenda for April 7, 1998, Meeting:

97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.

98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.

98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.

98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.


Agenda Items Tabled:

97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.*

97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.**

*Tabled until resubmission.

**Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.