February 17, 1998

The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 1998, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Carson, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Ms. Muehl, Dr. Smitley,

Dr. Wayland.

Members absent: Dr. Lui, Dr. Parcells.

Staff present: Ms. Dolson, Dr. Evans, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.

Guest present: Dr. N. Key, Dr. N. P. Small.

 Vice Chair Benedict presided at the meeting.

 I. Minutes.

The Minutes of February 23, 1998, were approved as published.

II. Committee Reports.

1. Ms. Muehl reported that the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) met February 10, 1998. The food drive held in December was a success. The GSAC is considering becoming involved with Habitat for Humanity. The GSAC will schedule the Graduate Expo. for this semester. More information will be coming in the future. A concern regarding the lack of companies interested in master’s level students at the Job Fair held in February was discussed.

2. Dr. Born reported that the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee had met. Members discussed undergraduate enrollment.

3. Dr. Born reported that the University Academic Advisory Council (UAAC) is striving to become more proactive. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will be requesting funding for baseline assessments. Dr. Born will distribute the report from the General Education Forums that were held.

4. The Library Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday, February 18, 1998.

5. Dr. Benedict reported that he will not be able to attend the next ATAC meeting February 27, 1998, at 2 p.m. He asked for a volunteer to attend that meeting in his absence.

III. 97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.

Dean Augustine stated that a new DMO code will be instituted to resolve the matter. Discussion on this item will continue on March 3, 1998.

IV. 98-1 New Course Proposal, HIS 4900, Historical Publishing.

Dr. Lenihan moved and Dr. Carson seconded the motion to postpone this item until Dr. Key would be available to attend a meeting. This motion was withdrawn when Dr. Key arrived.

Dr. Newton Key, History, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approved this proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Spring 1999:

HIS 4900, Historical Publishing. (3-0-3) S. PUBLISH HISTORY. Writing, editing, and producing professional journal articles, book and exhibit reviews in history for a journal and newsletter in print and online. Prerequisite: Junior, Senior or Graduate Status.

V. 98-2R Revision of the Historical Administration Program.

Dr. Nora Pat Small, History, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revision passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 1998:

Historical Administration Program (M.A.)

HISTORY (M.A. with option in Historical Administration)

History 5010, 5050, 5070, 5090, 5110, 5330, 5360

Journalism 5001

Electives (one from EACH group)

Group A: 3 hrs. in any graduate American history course

Group B: select one of the following courses or any approved applied History course: HIS 4900, 4920, or 5030 31 s.h.

History 5980 ( 6 hrs. required) 1-12 s.h.

TOTAL 37 s.h.

 VI. 98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.

The subcommittee presented a revised proposal. Dr. Born moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the motion to postpone this item until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Carson exited the meeting at this point.

 VII. 98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.

Dean Augustine is currently working on this item. Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Wayland seconded the motion to postpone this item until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

VIII. 98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.

Dr. Lenihan presented her concerns. It was suggested that the Council request the latest report on the Textbook Rental. Dr. Born moved and Dr. Smitley seconded the motion to postpone this item until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

IX. 98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.

A new proposed cover sheet will be presented to the Council at the next meeting. Voting will take place at that meeting.

X. Executive Director’s Report.

1. The Task Force looking at structure of the Graduate School is continuing its work. Dr. Augustine will keep the Council updated.

2. The Graduate School will be making some technology improvements in the near future.

3. A meeting with graduate coordinators and department chairs was recently held to outline the needed information for the Review of Graduate Education.

Dr. Born exited the meeting at this point.

  Executive Actions approved:

Historical Administration Program: (Changes in Bold)

HIS 5060 4920, Historic Preservation in the United States, 3 sem. hrs.

HIS 5010, Administration of Historical Organizations.

HIS 5030, Archival Methods, 3 sem. hrs.

HIS 5070, Research Methods in Local History.

HIS 5090, 3 sem. hrs.

HIS 5110, History Museum Exhibits and Historical Interpretation, 3 sem. hrs. (Must be repeated.)

HIS 5330, Material Life in America.

The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Sally Dolson, Recording Secretary.




Tuesday, March 3, 1998, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union


97-17 New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences.*

97-19 Review CGS Bylaws.**

97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.

98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999.***

98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.***

98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.***

98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master’s/Specialist’s Degree.***

*Tabled until resubmission.

**Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.

***Postponed until 3/2/98 meeting.