February 3, 1998

The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3, 1998, in the
Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present:    Dr. Augustine, Dr. Benedict, Dr. Born, Dr. Leddy, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu,
                    Ms. Muehl, Dr. Smitley, Dr. Wayland.

Members absent: Dr. Carson, Dr. Parcells.

Staff present:      Ms. Dolson, Dr. Evans, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Academic Affairs.
Guest present:      Dr. Nora Pat Small.

I.   Minutes.
     Dr. Born moved and Dr. Lenihan seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of January 20,
     1998, as corrected:
     "...students whose GPA s below 3.0 is dealt with in the...."
     The motion passed unanimously.

II.  Correspondence.
     1.  E-mail from Dr. Keiter regarding the terminology in the catalog.
     2.  Memo from Mary Herrington-Perry regarding course deletions.

III. Committee Reports. 
     1.  Dr. Benedict distributed information from the ATAC committee:  a draft of a student
     survey and the FY98 Student Technology Fee Money purchases.  He also mentioned that more
     information is available in the Link-N-Lan newsletter dated 1-30-98.
     2.  Dr. Benedict distributed a schedule of the interviews for the candidates for the Provost and
     Vice President for Academic Affairs position and encouraged all Council members to attend.

IV.  97-20R Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.
     Dean Augustine will bring this item to the Council in the near future.

V.   98-1 New Course Proposal, HIS 4900, Historical Publishing.
     Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Born seconded the motion to postpone this item until the
     individuals who proposed the course are in attendance (and pending CAA's approval of this
     course).  The motion passed unanimously.

VI.  98-2 Revision of the Historical Administration Program.
     Dr. Nora Pat Small, History, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. 
     Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Born seconded the motion to postpone this item until the next
     meeting (pending CAA's approval of HIS 4900).  The motion passed unanimously.

VII. 98-4 Student Appeals: SA1.
     Dr. Smitley moved and Dr. Leddy seconded the motion to accept the subcommittee's
     recommendation of approving the appeal to allow the student to be readmitted as a degree
     seeking candidate.  The motion to approve the appeal passed unanimously.
VIII.     98-3 Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999. 
     Discussion continued.  A subcommittee consisting of Dr. Born, Dr. Lui and Dr. Lenihan was
     appointed to review this item. 

IX.  98-5 Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.
     By consensus, the Council postponed this item until the next meeting. 

X.   98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.
     98-7 Thesis Cover Sheet for Master's/Specialist's Degree.
     By consensus, these items will be added to the agenda.  Voting and discussion will be later.
XI.  Executive Director's Report.

     Dean Augustine made the following announcements:

          Graduate coordinators and department chairs will meet with him and Mary
          Herrington-Perry on 2-9-98 to discuss the statewide review of graduate education. 
          The 3-5 page reports for each graduate program will be reviewed by departments,
          deans and then be summarized for the Council in late April.

          The Graduate Forum Series will begin February 5.  The schedule for these forums is
          listed in "The Graduate Forum" newsletter.  Dean Augustine encouraged the Council
          to attend these forums and thank the speakers personally.  He also thanked the
          Graduate Forum Committee members for their work in coordinating these forums.

          Graduate Student Exposition will be held April 13-17, 1998.  The student recognition
          reception will be held Tuesday, April 14, 1998. 

          The Task Force is continuing to review the structure of the graduate school.  A report
          will be brought to the Council when the review is completed, tentatively in March.

          The Council is working with the Faculty Senate on filling Dr. Smitley's position for
          1998-1999.  It will be a one-year term replacement. 

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.                     Sally Dolson, Recording  Secretary.

Tuesday, February 17, 1998, 2:00 p.m.
Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union

     97-17     New Course Proposal, FCS 5235, International Special Topics in Family and
               Consumer Sciences.*
     97-19     Review CGS Bylaws.**
     97-20R    Proposed New Non-Degree Graduate Guest Policy.  
     98-1      New Course Proposal, HIS 4900, Historical Publishing.***
     98-2      Revision of the Historical Administration Program.***
     98-3      Revision of Course Proposal Criteria for Courses 4750-4999. 
      Revision of the Graduate Assistantship section of the Graduate Catalog.

98-6 Textbook Rental System/Graduate Students.

     98-7      Thesis Cover Sheet for Master's/Specialist's Degree.
     *Tabled until resubmission.   
     **Tabled until Completion of Task Force Review.
     ***Postponed until 2/17/98 meeting.