
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2000, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Emmett, Mr. Goldacker, Dr. Havey, Dr. Key, Dr. Liu, Mr. Marshall, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Roberts, and Dr. Simpson.

Staff present: Ms. Herrington-Perry and Mrs. Kathy Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

  1. Introduction of New Members.
  2. Frank Goldacker - temporary replacement for Dr. Charles Costa, while on sabbatical.

    Mike Havey - Sciences.

    Ben Marshall - Graduate Student Representative, from MBA.

    Richard Roberts - Dean's Appointment.

  3. Minutes.

The Minutes of April 18, 2000 were approved as written.

Under VII - Historical Administration Option, 00-21. 00-21 should be listed as

Revision of History Major.

III. Communications.

    1. 4-11-00 Minutes from the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    2. 4-13-00 Minutes from the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    3. 4-14-00 Minutes from the College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    4. Email from Bonnie Irwin, stating that the Faculty Senate recommends Frank Goldacker be appointed as the temporary replacement for Charles Costa.
    5. 4-18-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    6. Letter from Frank Hohengarten regarding Textbook Rental for graduate courses.
    7. 4-18-00 Minutes from the College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    8. 4-18-00 Minutes of the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    9. Letter from Dean Augustine regarding the temporary replacement for Dr. Charles Costa.
    10. 4-20-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    11. 4-21-00 Minutes from the College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    12. 4-24-00 Minutes from the College of Education and Professional Studies Curriculum Committee.
    13. 4-25-00 Minutes from the Council on Teacher Education (COTE).
    14. 4-25-00 Minutes from the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    15. 4-27-00 Minutes from the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    16. Executive Action (5-16-00) from Dean Augustine regarding CDS 5630 and 6900.
    17. Letter from Frank Hohengarten (3-22-00) requesting one CGS Member to serve on the Textbook Rental Advisory Committee.
    18. Letter from John Beabout (4-26-00) requesting one CGS Member to serve on the Radio and Television Center Advisory Board.
    19. Memo from Dean Lanham (7-20-00) requesting one CGS Member to serve on the Library Advisory Board.
    20. Memo from President Surles (8-8-00) requesting one graduate student to serve on the Council on University Planning and Budget.
    21. Letter from President Surles (8-14-00) requesting CGS to nominate a person to represent CGS on the Screening Committee being formed to search for the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Linda Simpson agreed to serve.

IV. Committee Elections:

CGS Awards: Dr. Simpson, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, and Mr. Goldacker.

CGS Waiver Appeals: Dr. Simpson and Dr. Key.

Textbook Advisory Board: Dr. Havey.

Enrollment Management: Dr. Liu.

Library Advisory Board: Dr. Key.

Academic Technology Advisory Committee: Dr. Reven.

Honorary Degree: Dr. Emmett.

Graduate Student Advisory Committee: Ms. Jamie Hahn.

Graduate Student Representative to the Council on University Planning

and Budget: Rita Gianoli.

V. Committee Reports:

No Reports.

VI. Agenda items 00-23 through 00-27.

Dr. Reven moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to add the following items to the agenda. Voting will be later.

    1. Proposed Revision of CDS 5000, Research Methods in Communication Disorders and Sciences.
    2. Proposed New Courses STG 5131, 5132, 5133, Topics in Education.

25 Proposed Revision of CGS Bylaws.

26 Proposed Adoption of a Policy Statement on Academic Integrity.

    1. Proposed Policy Change in the Summer Load Limit.
  1. Dean's Report:

Annual Graduate Assistantship orientation was held on Friday, August 18, in the Grand Ballroom. President Surles, Deans, and Graduate Coordinators welcomed the new Assistants to Eastern Illinois University. The Orientation reviews rules and regulations required for assistantships.

The Annual joint meeting of the CGS and Graduate Coordinators was held on August 29 in the University Ballroom. New policies and procedures, new and existing awards competitions, and upcoming CGS issues were reviewed. Mary Herrington-Perry reviewed the Graduate Assessment Reports. Critical areas of graduate program management including use and misuse of test scores and development of certificate programs were examined in detail.

Summer Workshop for Graduate Deans: Dean Augustine attended the Annual Summer Workshop for Graduate Deans. He reported on the presentation of Carol Beere, Vice President of Academic Affairs from Walden University. Walden University offers all its programs via distance technology. Walden University also offers a certified on-line instructor program designed for seasoned University professors. Dr. Beere reviewed the impact that distance education is having on graduate courses and programs. Other speakers covered topics that included certificate programs, development/external fund raising for graduate schools, legal issues in graduate education, use and misuse of standardized tests for graduate admissions, and effective graduate recruiting strategies

Graduate recruitment is diminishing at Eastern Illinois University. This has not made a big impact on our admissions. One of the reasons for this is that the faculty are linking with the students. This personal contact with the students is the best recruitment tool we have.

The meeting adjourned at 2:34 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary





September, 19, 2000

100 Blair Hall



Pending Executive Action Items:


Current Prerequisite

Proposed Prerequisite

CSD 5630


CSD 5500, 5510, 5520, 5530, and CDS 5600, 5610, 5620, which may be taken concurrently with 5630

CSD 5500, 5510, 5520, 5530; and CSD 5600, 5930 or 5940, 5620, which may be taken concurrently with 5630. Completion of CSD 5530 with a grade of "B" or better and approval of the Department Chair.

CSD 6900


Permission of the Department Chair. NOTE: Students must make a "B" or better in the final three (3) hours before graduating.

Completion of CSD 5630 with a grade of "B" or better and approval of the Department Chair. NOTE: Students must make a "B" or better in the final three (3) hours before graduating.