
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2000, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Ms. Heidel, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson,

and Dr. Wayland.

Staff present: Mrs. Kathy Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: G. Richard, G. Wong and A. Methven.

I. Minutes.

The Minutes of March 21, 2000 were approved as corrected.

      1. Dr. Raybin was present.
      2. Agenda item 00-22 should have been an attachment to 00-21.
      3. Agenda item 00-23 should be renumbered to 00-22.

II. Communications.

    1. Letter from F. Hohengarten regarding Enrollment Management Advisory Committee.
    2. 2-28-00 Minutes of College of Education and Professional Studies Curriculum Committee.
    3. 3-7-00 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    4. 3-7-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    5. 3-9-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    6. 3-10-00 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    7. 3-21-00 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    8. 3-21-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    9. 3-23-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    10. 3-24-00 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    11. Letter from F. Hohengarten regarding TRS Grad Purchase.
    12. 3-28-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    13. Email (3-29-00) from Gregory P. Landry, regarding TRS Grad Purchase
    14. Email (3-30-00) from Dean Augustine regarding committee representation.
    15. Email (3-30-00) from Dean Augustine, stating that Linda Simpson has agreed to serve as the CGS representative to the Textbook Rental Systems Advisory Committee as an at-large Representative.
    16. Email (3-30-00) from Dean Augustine regarding a request for assistance with naming a one-year temporary replacement while Dr. Costa is completing his sabbatical.
    17. 3-30-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    18. 3-31-00 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    19. Email (4-4-00) from Dean Augustine regarding Awards.
    20. Email (4-4-00) from Gregory P. Landry regarding increase in the dollar limit for purchase in graduate courses.
    21. Email (4-4-00) from F. Hohengarten regarding Textbook Rental Service.
    22. 4-4-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    23. 4-4-00 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    24. 4-7-00 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.


The Council decided to change the order of the Agenda to accommodate the guests.

  1. Revision of CDS 5400, Special Topics in Speech-Language Pathology, 00-16.
  2. Dr. G. Richard, Communications Disorders & Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve this course proposal passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 2000.

    CDS 5400, Special Topics (2-0-2). F, S, SU. Topic: Title. Intensive study of contemporary problems, issues, trends, and developments in the field of communication disorders. Prerequisites: Graduate degree-seeking status or permission of the department chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of eight semester hours of credit.

  3. Revision of CDS 5800, Seminar in Speech-Language Pathology, 00-17.
  4. Dr. G. Richard, Communications Disorders & Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve this course proposal passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Summer 2000.

    CDS 5800, Seminar (1-0-1). F, S, SU. Sem: Title. Discussion of current trends in specific disorders or professional issues in communication disorders and sciences. Prerequisite: Graduate status. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours of credit.

  5. Course Proposal, BIO 4751, Advanced Molecular Cell Biology, 00-19.
  6. Dr. G. Wong and Dr. A. Methven, Biological Sciences, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve this course proposal passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2001.

    BIO 4751, Advanced Molecular Cell Biology. (3-0-3). F. ADV MOL CEL BIO. A study of the molecular basis of intracellular processes including: gene regulation and expression; molecular biosynthesis and transport; cell motility and adhesion; cell cycle regulation; and intracellular signaling, using case studies from current scientific literature. Prerequisites: BIO 3100, 3101, and 3200.

  7. Course Proposal, HIS 5000, Historiography, 00-20.
  8. Dr. N. Key, History, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve this course proposal passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2001.

    HIS 5000, Historiography. (3-0-3). F and as needed. Historiography. Critical study of debate among historians on crucial problems or issues ranging from medieval Europe to contemporary United States. Emphasis will be on analyzing competing methods and arguments and on comparing, adopting, and adapting approaches form one era or region to another.

  9. Historical Administration Option, 00-21.

Dr. N. Key, History, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the revised option passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2001.



Degree: Master of Arts

Major: History

Option: Historical Administration


Newton Key, Ph.D., Coordinator of Graduate Studies in History

Terry Barnhart, Ph.D., Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Historical Administration Option

Phone: 581-3310

Web Pages: http://www.eiu.edu/~history/grad/

Graduate Faculty

Anita K. Shelton, Ph.D., Department Chairperson

Barnhart, T.; Beck, R.; Curry, L.; Elbert, D.; Fallaw, B.; Hardeman, M.; Hockman, D.; Kammerling, J.; Key, N.; McElligott, J.; McMillan, D.; Reid, D.; Riccio, B.; Small, N.; Smith, D.; Voss-Hubbard, M.; Waldrep, C.; White, M.; Young, B.

Program Mission: The graduate program in History stresses reading and writing in American, European, and world history, and prepares students for teaching, research, and further graduate study history. In addition to furthering their knowledge of United States, European, and World history through reading and research, students in the graduate program in history develop their skills in writing and critical thinking. The M.A. program in History prepares graduates to pursue teaching, research (in government, business, or academia), and further graduate study. The program in Historical Administration stresses prepares students for work in historical museums, archives, historical societies, and related cultural organizations.

Admission Requirements: To be eligible for degree candidacy, applicants must meet all of the requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see "Requirements for Degree-Seeking Students"). Additional requirements include completing an application from the appropriate History Department Graduate Coordinator, submitting a statement of professional goals, and two confidential letters of recommendation. Admission to the graduate program in History requires a minor in history or its equivalent. For the Option in Historical Administration, contact the graduate coordinator for admission requirements. Students must have written approval of the department prior to counting any graduate-level course (outside Eastern Illinois’ History Department) toward graduate credit.

Study Plan Approval: For the M.A. in History, the student chooses a history professor to head the student’s exam committee in his or her intended concentration during the first month of course work. The student should meet with the committee head (as well as the advisor) from time to time to mentor progress towards exams. For both the M.A. in History and the Historical Administration Option, the study plan should be approved by the department graduate coordinator and , filed in the Graduate School, and with the graduate coordinator prior to at the beginning of the last semester in which the student is enrolled in courses counting toward the graduate degree. The student must also contact professors who agree to serve as exam committee members based on the student’s concentration at that time.

Concentrations for the M.A. in History:

–European: the majority of course work on study plan in European history and two exam committee members chosen from professors who are European specialists (written exams to cover Medieval/Early Modern to Modern); minor field to be United States or World history.

–United States: the majority of course work on study plan in United States history and two exam committee members chosen from professors who are United States specialists (written exams to cover colonial U.S. to Modern); minor field to be European or World history.

Degree Requirements: Degree requirements include those outlined for the Master's Degree by the Graduate School (see "Requirements for the Master's Degree"). In addition, all candidates must also take pass written comprehensive examinations in the student’s concentration and an oral comprehensive examination in both concentration and minor field upon completion of all course work, and place on file in the department submit a graded and revised research paper and a bibliography of books works read during their graduate studies. Those students whose written exams (both parts) are awarded a "pass with distinction" by both readers from the committee may be awarded (upon the approval of the full exam committee) the same "pass with distinction" on the certificate of comprehensive knowledge (and upon the transcript) upon successful completion of the oral examination.

HISTORY (M.A. with thesis)

Approved History courses numbered 4750 or above* 24 21 s.h.

HIS 5000 3 s.h.

HIS 5950 6 s.h.

TOTAL 30 s.h.

HISTORY (M.A. without thesis)

Approved History courses numbered 4750 or above* 32 29 s.h.

HIS 5000 3 s.h.

TOTAL 32 s.h.

HISTORY (M.A. with option in Historical Administration)

HIS 5010, 5050, 5070, 5090, 5110, 5330, 5360

JOU 5001

Electives (one from EACH group):

Group A: 3 hrs. in any graduate American history course

Group B: select one of the following courses or any approved applied History course: HIS 4900, 4920, or 5030 31 s.h.

HIS 5980 (6 hrs. required) 1-12 s.h.

TOTAL 37 s.h.

*The History Department has special approval to allow candidates to complete as many as, but no more than 15 s.h. in courses numbered below 5000 to be applied to the degree. If a student can demonstrate that courses outside of History are necessary to his or her goals, the Coordinators may approve a limited number of hours outside of History.

Graduate Assistantships: Information on graduate assistantships may be obtained by contacting the Coordinators of Graduate Studies or Chair, Department of History, 224 Coleman Hall, EIU.

VIII. Change in the Wording of the "Repeating Courses" Section of the Graduate Catalog, 00-18.

Dr. Augustine, Dean of the Graduate School, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve this course proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Spring 2001.



Current Wording

Proposed Wording

Repeating Courses


Graduate students may repeat graduate courses in which grades of D or F were received. Both the original grade and the repeated grade will be recorded on the transcript and will be included in the computation of the graduate GPA. The repeated semester hours are not counted.





Graduates in degree candidacy may repeat for credit any course numbered 5000 or above that was taken prior to the beginning of the six-year time limit. Such courses may be included on the candidate’s Graduate Study Plan. Candidates must have approval of the academic department and approval of the Graduate School prior to enrollment in the repeated course in order to use this option. Both the original grade and the repeated grade will be recorded on the transcript and included in the computation of the graduate GPA.

Repeating Graduate Courses In Which Grades of D or F Were Received

Graduate students may repeat graduate courses in which grades of D or F were received. Both the original grade and the repeated grade will be recorded on the transcript and will be included in the computation of the graduate GPA. The repeated semester hours are not counted.

Repeating Graduate Courses In Which Grades of A, B, C or CR Were Received

With prior approval, graduate students may repeat any course numbered 4750 or above in which a grade of A, B, C, or CR was previously earned and which is not normally repeated. The repeated course and course grade will appear on the student’s transcript; however, the repeated course credit will not count toward degree requirements nor will the grade be included in the calculation of the graduate grade point average.

Students must have approval of the academic department and approval of the Graduate School prior to enrollment in the repeated course through the Graduate Waiver and Appeals process. If the student also seeks to use the repeated course as part of a degree program to be included on the Graduate Study Plan and wishes to include the grade for the repeated course in the graduate grade point calculation, the student must specify those conditions in the waiver at the time the student initiates the request to enroll in a repeated course.


  1. Election of Officers, 00-22.

Chair - Linda Simpson

Vice Chair - Newton Key

1 - year replacement for C. Costa - F. Goldacker

X. Committee Reports.

Library Advisory Board: Newton Key stated that Jazz Music is on CD and that EIU is one of the few university libraries that allow you to check out media like CDs. He reported that new lights have been installed in the basement. The renovations on the library are on schedule. The actual renovations will begin in about 6 weeks.

Enrollment Management: Jane Wayland reported that during the last meeting, discussion was centered around the undergraduate and the transfer student enrollment.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary



To Be Announced

Arcola/Tuscola Room