
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 2000, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Costa, Ms. Heidel, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Reven,

Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland.

Member absent: Dr. Emmett.

Staff present: Mrs. Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: D. Bock, M. Borsi, and B. Powell.

  1. Minutes.

The Minutes of January 18, 2000, were approved as published.

II. Communications.

      1. 1-11-00 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
      2. 1-11-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
      3. 1-18-00 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
      4. 1-18-00 Faculty Senate Minutes.
      5. Letter from Provost Abebe, regarding the Forum on Teacher Quality.

III. Committee Reports.

Jane Wayland presented Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Report.

  1. Proposed Revision of Counseling and Student Development courses renumbered 5540 and above, 00-03.
  2. Dr. Powell, Department of Counseling and Student Development, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council.

    Dr. Liu entered the meeting at this point.

    The motion to approve the proposal passed with a vote as follows:

    YES: Dr. Costa, Ms. Heidel, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Reven, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Wayland.

    ABSTAIN: Dr. Liu.

    This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2000.

    CSD courses numbered 5540 and above are open only to students who have been admitted to the Department of Counseling and Student Development or with permission of the Department Chair.

  3. Proposed Revision of Speech Communication, Master's Degree, 00-04.
  4. Dr. Bock and Dr. Borsi, Speech Communication, presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. By consensus, the Council agreed to hold this agenda item for another week, until revisions are completed.

  5. Agenda items 00-05 through 00-15.

Dr. Borsi, Speech Communication, presented the proposals and answered questions of the Council. By consensus, the Council agreed to postpone action on these items until revisions are completed and questions about costs are answered.

The meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary



Tuesday, February 15, 2000, 2:00 p.m.

Effingham Room, MLK Union


    1. Proposed Revision of Speech Communication, Master's Degree.
    2. Proposed Revision of SPC 5000, Introduction to Graduate Study.
    3. New Course Proposal, SPC 5020, Communication Theory.
    4. Proposed Revision of SPC 5510, Seminar in Rhetorical Theory.
    5. Proposed Revision of Speech, SPC 5530, Operation and Regulation of Broadcast Stations.
    6. New Course Proposal, SPC 5540, Seminar in Interpersonal Communication.
    7. Proposed Revision of SPC 5620, Laboratory in Human Interaction.
    8. Proposed Revision of SPC 5630, Seminar in Mass Communication.
    9. New Course Proposal, SPC 5730, Communication Training and Development.
    10. New Course Proposal, SPC 5740, Seminar in Organizational Communication.
    11. New Course Proposal, SPC 5830, Applied Rhetorical Criticism.
    12. New Course Proposal, SPC 5920, Creative Project.



The following items were approved by Executive Action to become effective immediately:

    1. PSY 5800 -- Change course number to "5400". Summer 2000.
    2. PSY 6970 -- Add the following statement to the course description: "May be repeated for credit if a different topic is taught." Effective: Fall 2000.
    3. PSY 5970 -- Change course credits from "(3-0-3)" to "(2-0-2) or (3-0-3)".
    4. A summary of Executive Actions from the College of Arts and Humanities.

 Current Course

Proposed Change to:


5010 Survey of Rhetoric

5010 Rhetorical Theory

Title change

5030 Seminar


 Delete Course

5210 Seminar in Public Address

5810 Seminar in American Public Address

Title Change

Number Change

5220 Seminar in Public Relations

5720 Seminar in Public Relations

Number Change

5230 Economics of Mass Media


 Delete Course

5310 Seminar in Criticism

5820 Rhetorical Criticism

Title Change

Number Change

5330 Media Criticism

5610 Media Criticism

Number Change

5420 Theories of Leadership


 Delete Course

5501 Pro-seminar in Speech Communication


 Delete Course

5510 Seminar in Rhetorical Theory

5840 Seminar in Rhetoric and Public Address

Number Change

Title Change

5520 Organizational Communication

5710 Organizational Communication

Number Change

5530 Operation and Regulation of Broadcast Stations


 Delete Course

5610 Philosophical Foundations of Speech


 Delete Course

5620 Laboratory in Human Interaction

5520 Social Interaction

Number Change

Title Change

5630 Seminar in Mass Communication

5640 Seminar in Mass


Number Change

Title Change


  1. "Admission to the School of Business or permission of the Associate Chair" will be added to the prerequisite for the following business courses.

ACC 4750 COM 4800 FIN 4820 MGT 4800

ACC 4800 COM 4810 FIN 4830 MGT 4950