
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2000, in 100 Blair Hall.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Emmett, Mr. Goldacker, Dr. Havey, Dr. Key, Dr. Liu, Mr. Marshall, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Roberts, and Dr. Simpson.

Staff present: Mrs. Kathy Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: K. Woodward and J. Lynch.

  1. Minutes.

The Minutes of September 19, 2000 were approved as written.

The Council decided to change the order of the Agenda to accommodate the guests.

II. Communications.

    1. Executive Action (9-13-00) from the School of Family and Consumer Sciences.
    2. Letter from Frank Hohengarten (9-19-00) thanking Greg Landry for serving on the
    3. Textbook Rental Advisory Committee.

    4. 9-11-00 Minutes of the College of Education and Professional Studies Curriculum Committee.
    5. 9-12-00 Minutes of the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning.
    6. 9-14-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs.

III. Committee Reports.

Dr. Liu reported that the Enrollment Management Committee discussed transfer student issues at the undergraduate level and there was nothing to report for the graduate level.

Dr. Reven reported that ATAC formed a subcommittee to look into technology models on campus. This group has been asked to develop a University Technology Planning Model. Dr. Reven requested input from CGS members in regard to potential components/features of this planning model.

Dr. Emmett reported that the Honorary Degree Committee needs all nomination forms and supporting material by November 17, 2000. The Committee's main concern; that in the past, not many nominations were given to the committee.

Dr. Key reported that the Library Advisory Board has some concerns with the present archive system. The current budget is not sufficient.

Mr. Marshall reported that GSAC will meet on October 9, 2000 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Kansas Room.

Dr. Simpson stated that the VPAA Search Committee would like to know what we are "looking for" in a VPAA. Please email your thoughts/questions/characteristics/qualifications that you are looking for in a VPAA.

IV. Agenda items 00-30 through 00-40.

Dr. Key moved and Mr. Marshall seconded the motion to add the following items to the agenda. Voting will be later.

      1. New Course Proposal, EDA 6600, Organizational Development in Educational Administration.
      2. New Course Proposal, EDA 6800, Current Issues in Educational Administration.
      3. New Course Proposal, FCS 5154, Medical Nutrition Therapy.
      4. New Master Teacher Degree Program.
      5. New Course Proposal, FCS 4750, Advanced Human Nutrition.
      6. New Course Proposal, FCS 4751, Nutrition Therapy.
      7. New Course Proposal, FCS 4940, Food Systems Management.
      8. Proposed Policy Changes for Graduate Assistantships.
      9. Proposed Policy Up-Date: Graduate Internships.
      10. Proposed Up-Date: Graduate Independent Study.
      11. Proposed Grading Policy change related to GA audit findings.
  1. Proposal for Eastern Illinois University Graduate Certificate Programs Academic Regulations and Requirements, 00-28.
  2. Dr. Augustine presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion passed unanimously.

    This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

    Eastern Illinois University

    Graduate Certificate Programs

    Catalog Copy: Academic Regulations and Requirements

    Approved October 3, 2000

    Definition and Purpose of Non-Degree Certificate Programs at Eastern Illinois University

    A non-degree certificate program is a specified series of credit courses which define a set of learning objectives and competencies essential to a defined area of study. Post-baccalaureate certificates verify an area of competency that enhances the knowledge base of degree seeking candidates or defines a specific area of competency for non-degree students. Post-master’s certificates verify an additional area of competency beyond that required for the graduate degree. Certificates are not degrees and certificate programs are not degree programs. Certificate programs are verified on University transcripts, but are not equivalent to external certification granted by state or national certification agencies, for example Illinois State Teacher Certification. State and national certification agencies establish requirements and certification reviews independent of those developed by the University. Certificate programs may be found in one department/school or may be multi-disciplinary. Certificate program proposals which are at a level or in a field or discipline that is not currently approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education must obtain such approval following department, college, and Council approval of the program.

    Admission as a Post-Baccalaureate Non-Degree Candidate Seeking a Certificate Program

    To be eligible for admission to any graduate certificate programs, applicants must meet the standard admission criteria for degree seeking applicants. For post-baccalaureate candidates the criteria include verification of completion of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution approved by Eastern Illinois University and documentation of a minimum undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on 4.0 scale or a 2.75 GPA on the last 60 hours of graded academic course work. For post-graduate candidates, the criteria include verification of completion of a graduate degree from an accredited institution approved by Eastern Illinois University and documentation of a minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Admission to a certificate program is granted only by departments and departments may establish admission criteria in addition to those established by the Graduate School. Certificate applicants are advised to examine the "Certificate Program Admission" section of a certificate granting unit for department specific admission requirements.


    Certificate Study Plan

    The Certificate Study Plan for a certificate program is an approved list of all of the courses and their recommended sequence which fulfill requirements for the certificate as specified by the department. A Certificate Study Plan is required for all certificate candidates. Upon achieving admission to the certificate

    program, candidates are required to consult with program advisors to develop a Certificate Study Plan which is signed by the advisor and the candidate. The Certificate Study Plan is placed in the candidate’s program file, a copy is provided to the student, and a copy must also be on file with the certification officer in the Graduate School no later than the 10th day of classes during the candidates’ final semester of study. Any changes in the study plan filed in the Graduate School must be made in writing to the certification officer no later than the Last Class Day published in the Class Schedule during the candidates’ final semester of study. All requirements on the Certificate Study Plan must comply with the requirements established by the Graduate School and the department. Any variation in established regulations requires written verification through the approved waiver process. Acceptance of transfer credit must have written verification and be on file in the Graduate School. Verbal and non-authorized agreement between candidates and advisors do not meet requirements for written authorization and are not acknowledged by the Graduate School. Candidates hold final responsibility for knowing and complying with requirements of the certificate and insuring that the Certificate Study Plan is on file.

    Requirements for Certificate Programs

    Cumulative Grade Point Average

    All candidates earning certificates must achieve and maintain a cumulative 3.00 GPA (4.00 scale) for all courses numbered 4750 or higher taken at Eastern Illinois University to fulfill the requirements for a certificate program and for all courses listed on the Certificate Study Plan. This requirement may not be waived or appealed.

    Minimum Semester Hours Requirements

    A minimum of 12 semester hours of study is required for all certificate programs. Certificate programs often establish minimum requirements of study above the minimum semester hour limits set by the Graduate School. Candidates are advised to consult program advisors for minimum program requirements. The 12 semester hours minimum requirement for a certificate may not be waived or appealed.

    Minimum Semester Hours of Residency

    A minimum of 9 semester hours in the certificate program is required in residence. Residence is defined as credit for courses taught by Eastern Illinois University faculty at on-campus or off-campus sites. This requirement may not be waived or appealed.

    Minimum Semester Hours Exclusive of Independent Study, Research, Thesis, Internship, and Special Courses and Workshops

    A minimum of 9 semester hours must be completed in courses exclusive of independent study, research, thesis, and internship, and special courses or workshops. Special courses or workshops are defined as courses numbered 4985 through 4999 offered off-campus through the School of Adult and Continuing Education or offered on-campus under the Special Course or Workshop Provision during the Summer Term.

    Minimum Semester Hours in Course Numbered 5000 or Higher

    A minimum of 9 semester hours in the certificate program must be in courses numbered 5000 or higher.


    Maximum Limit of Courses Numbered 4750 to 4999

    A maximum of 6 semester hours of courses numbered 4750 to 4999 may be applied to certificate programs.

    Maximum Limit of Independent Study, Research, and Thesis

    A maximum of 3 semester hours of independent study, research, and thesis may be applied to a certificate program.

    Maximum Limit of Semester Hours Earned as a Post- Baccalaureate Non-degree Student

    There is no restriction on the number of semester hours a post-baccalaureate non-degree student may apply to a certificate program. There is no guarantee that any credit earned as a post-baccalaureate non-degree student may later apply to a certificate program.

    Completion of the Certificate Study Plan

    Successful completion of all courses on the Certificate Study Plan filed with the Graduate School is required.

    Application for the Certificate

    All candidates must apply for completion of the certificate any time prior to the 10th day of the term in which they plan to complete all of the requirements for the certificate. This deadline is published in the Class Schedule each semester. Candidates who fail to apply for graduation by the published deadline are not eligible to receive the certificate until the next semester or term.

    Certificate Time Limit

    Certificate candidates must fulfill all requirements for the certificate within six consecutive years. The earliest term in which a course listed on the Certificate Study Plan was taken marks the beginning of the six-year time period. Exceptions may be requested through the Graduate School waiver and appeals process when progress toward completion of the degree is interrupted by illness, military duty, family obligation, or other circumstances which are beyond the control of the student.

    Application of Certificate Program Courses to Concurrent or Future Degree Programs or Application of Degree Program Courses Toward a Certificate Program

    With departmental approval, candidates may apply some or all of the semester hours of course work earned toward current or future graduate degree programs at Eastern Illinois University to an EIU certificate program. With departmental approval, candidates may apply some or all of the semester hours earned in a certificate program at Eastern Illinois University toward a current or future degree program. Departments have ultimate authority regarding acceptance of courses toward degree or certificate programs and certificate applicants are advised to consult with department advisors regarding department accepted course applications. Any courses to be used toward any concurrent or future certificate program must be completed within the established six year time limit.

    Admission to Degree Programs

    Admission to and completion of a certificate program does not constitute admission to a degree program. Candidates who complete certificate programs and then apply to degree programs are subject to the standard admission procedures used by the Graduate School and department which include, but are not limited to, verification of completion of a baccalaureate degree, documentation of the required grade point average and submission of required test scores. Certificate applicants should consult the appropriate sections of the Graduate Catalog for detailed information regarding degree admission.

    Financial Aid

    Non-degree certificate candidates may be eligible for financial aid. Candidates are advised to consult with the Financial Aid Office regarding financial assistance for certificate candidates. Certificate candidates do not meet the degree candidacy criteria required for graduate assistantship eligibility.

    *Dr. Havey exited the meeting at this point.

  3. Course Proposal format for Graduate Certificate, 00-29.

Dr. Augustine presented the proposal and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

Eastern Illinois University

Graduate Certificate Program Proposal Format

Name of Department or School

Title of the Program As It Will Appear on the Published Certificate

Catalog Copy: Information appearing in this section of the proposal will be published in the Graduate Catalog.

    1. Purpose of the Program
    2. Eligibility and Admission Requirements

3. Course/Curriculum Requirements

4. Courses Applicable Toward a Specific Concurrent or Future Degree Program

    1. Certificate Study Plan

Rationale: Information appearing in this section of the proposal will be used for Council review, but will not appear in the Graduate Catalog.

6. Program Rationale and Justification

7. Impact on Existing Programs

8. Existing Courses that Apply to the Certificate

9. New Courses Required for the Certificate Program

10. Number of Students Expected to Enroll Each Year

11. Department Contact


    1. Date Approved by the Department/School Curriculum Committee

    3. Date Approved by the College

14. Date Approved by the Council on Graduate Studies

(Approved October 3, 2000)


The Council thanked Dr. Augustine for the time and effort that he put into this agenda item.

X. Dean's Report.

Dr. Augustine reported that he had been working with a committee composed of Sue Harvey, Registrar; Barb Kuykendal, Certification Officer in the College of Sciences; and Bonnie Wilson, Certification Officer in the College of Education and Professional Studies on changes in recording course work for post-baccalaureate students enrolled in courses numbered less than 4750.

Currently grades, grade points, and GPAs are not recorded on the transcript for courses numbered less than 4750, yet many of these courses are required to meet professional development or teacher certification requirements. The Committee is working to modify the transcript record in order to allow for this data to be recorded on the transcript separately from the graduate courses and GPAs for courses numbered 4750 and higher. As soon as the final revisions are made, a copy will be provided for Council review.

Dr. Augustine reminded Council members that nominations for a Faculty Marshal from the Graduate School were due by Friday, October 6.

Semester hour/minutes of instruction policy: Dr. Augustine reported to the Council that he recently became aware of a long standing issue related to minutes of instruction for three and four semester hour courses numbered 5000 or higher. Following a brief summary of the issue, the Council advised that a small subcommittee be formed to study the issue and provide the Council of any needed actions. The executive committee and one additional member of the Council will serve on the subcommittee along with Dr. Augustine who will serve in an ex-officio role.


The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary.





October 17, 2000

Arcola/Tuscola Room


      1. New Master Teacher Degree Program.
      1. Proposed Policy Changes for Graduate Assistantships.
      2. Proposed Policy Up-Date: Graduate Internships.
      3. Proposed Up-Date: Graduate Independent Study.
      4. Proposed Grading Policy change related to GA audit findings.




Pending Agenda:

      1. New Course Proposal, EDA 6600, Organizational Development in Educational Administration.
      2. New Course Proposal, EDA 6800, Current Issues in Educational Administration.
      3. New Course Proposal, FCS 5154, Medical Nutrition Therapy.
      1. New Course Proposal, FCS 4750, Advanced Human Nutrition.
      2. New Course Proposal, FCS 4751, Nutrition Therapy.
      3. New Course Proposal, FCS 4940, Food Systems Management.

Pending Executive Action Items:

INT courses 5000 and above to use "TEC" as a unified prefix for graduate courses in the School of Technology.



This action approves the following to become effective July 1, 2001:

Delete FCS 5150, Community Nutrition.

This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

Change effective date of SPC 5630, Computer-mediated Communication,

from Summer 2001 to Spring 2001.