
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17, 2000, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room.

Members present: Dr. Augustine, Dr. Emmett, Mr. Goldacker, Dr. Havey, Dr. Liu, Mr. Marshall, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven, Dr. Roberts, and Dr. Simpson.

Member Absent: Dr. Key.

Staff present: Ms. Herrington-Perry and Mrs. Kathy Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. Helwig and Dean Hitch.

  1. Minutes.

The Minutes of October 3, 2000 were approved as amended:

    1. The Council met in the Arcola/Tuscola Room, not 100 Blair Hall.
    2. Under the Committee Reports, Dr. Reven reported that the ATAC
    3. subcommittee had been formed previously.

    4. Under the Pending Executive Action Items, include COS with the INT courses 5000 and above to use the "TEC" prefix.

The Council decided to change the order of the Agenda to accommodate the guests.

II. Communications.

    1. 9-6-00 Minutes of Staff Senate.
    2. 9-11-00 Minutes of the College of Education and Professional Studies Curriculum Committee.
    3. 9-21-00 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs.
    4. Letter from Dr. Tidwell regarding the November 7, 2000, Faculty Fall Forum.
    5. 10-6-00 letter from Dean Augustine and attachments regarding the new transcript format.

III. Committee Reports.

Dr. Reven reported that the Distinguished Thesis and Thesis Award of Excellence Selection Committee is beginning the review process. She passed the files on to Dr. Emmett to review.

Dr. Simpson reported that the VPAA Search Committee is interested in what the campus community is looking for in a new VPAA. She said that anyone who has additional responses, would send them to her.

IV. Agenda items 00-41 through 00-45.

Dr. Reven moved and Mr. Marshall seconded the motion to add the following items to the agenda. Voting will be later.

      1. New Course Proposal, BIO 5208, Population Ecology.
      2. New Program Proposal, Certificate in Quality Systems.
      3. New Program Proposal, Certificate in Work Performance Improvement.
      4. Proposed Revision to the MBA Program Concentration in Accountancy.
      5. Proposed Policy Clarification: Semester Hours of Course Credits/Minutes of Instruction.

V. Courses from the New Master Teacher Degree Program, 00-33.

Dean Hitch and Dr. Helwig presented the course proposals and answered questions of the Council. The motion passed unanimously.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:


EDU 5000, Seminar: Professional Practice. (2-0-2) F, S, Su. Prof. Practice Sem. A seminar designed to acquaint in-service teachers with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and provide teachers guidance in reflecting on their own practices and preparing or gathering artifacts specific to the process of seeking a Master license. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.


This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDU 5200, Introduction to Educational Research. (3-0-3) F, S, SU. Educ. Research.

Course assists students in the development of skills and competencies necessary to critically evaluate educational research and to develop their own proposal for conducting educational research in a setting appropriate to their program. Elementary statistics and research design are emphasized. Prerequisite: Admission as a Degree Candidate.

*Dr. Havey exited the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

This action approves the following to become effective Summer 2001:

EDU/CSD/EDA/ELE/MLE/SPE/STG/SED 5400, Special Issues. Contemporary Approaches to Best Practice. (Arr.- Arr. 2 to 3) F, S, Su. SPECIAL ISSUES. A study of special issues in education designed to help educators relate research to practice. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDU 5680, Educational Assessment. (3-0-3) F, S, Su. Ed. Assessment. An advanced course in psychoeducational assessment. Administration and interpretation of formal and informal, individual and group assessment measures will be studied. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

*Dean Augustine exited the meeting at 3:45 p.m.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDU 5800, NBPTS/Professional Portfolio Development Seminar I. (2-0-2) (Credit/No Credit) F, S, SU. NBPTS Portfol I. This course is the first in a two-course sequence designed to guide educators as they prepare a portfolio specific to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The course requires teachers to reflect on their own practices and organize artifacts specific to the process of seeking NBPTS Certification. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of EDU 5000.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDU 5801, NBPTS/Professional Portfolio Development II. (2-0-2) (Credit/No Credit) F, S, SU. NBPTS Portfol II. This course is the second in a two-course sequence designed to guide educators as they prepare a portfolio specific to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This course assists students as they work through the process of completing the NBPTS portfolio. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of EDU 5000.


This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDP 5300, Theory into Practice: Psychological Foundations for Educational Practice. (3-0-3) F, S, Su. Psych Found Ed. Human growth and development; learning theory and practice; motivation; interaction skills; changing family and social contexts as they affect student behavior and perceptions. Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate School.

**This course replaces EDP 5520.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDF 5500, Theory Into Practice: Curriculum Development. (3-0-3) F.S. Su. Th/Prac Curr Dev. Basic determinants of curriculum; social, philosophical, psychological factors influencing curriculum design and development, including current trends, issues and practices. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDF 5510, Theory Into Practice: Social Foundations for Educational Practice. (3-0-3) F. S. Su. Soc Found Ed. The school in society; effects of cultural patterns, social classes, diverse community organizations and current social problems on creating effective educational environments. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDF 5530, Theory Into Practice: Philosophic Foundations for Educational Practice. (2-0-2) F. S. Su. Phi. Found. Ed. Develops critical, reflective, interpretive skills and dispositions of educators through study of major philosophies of education. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

EDF 5540, Theory Into Practice: Historical Foundations for Educational Practice. (2-0-2) F, S, Su. Hist Found Ed. This course provides broad coverage of persons and events, which have collectively resulted in the creation of an American Educational System. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School.

This action approves the following to become effective Fall 2001:

MLE 5270, Content Area Literacy Instruction. (3-0-3) F, S. Content Literacy. Knowledge, skills, and strategies for teaching content area literacy in Grades 6 through 12. Topics will include assessment of student literacy skills, selection of appropriate materials, reading-writing relationships and processes, meeting diverse needs, effective instructional strategies, motivation, and evaluation. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and classroom teaching experience.

Dr. Raybin moved and Dr. Roberts seconded the motion to postpone the following items, until the October 31, 2000 meeting:



      1. Proposed Policy Changes for Graduate Assistantships.
      2. Proposed Policy Up-Date: Graduate Internships.
      3. Proposed Up-Date: Graduate Independent Study.
      4. Proposed Grading Policy change related to GA audit findings.



The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary.





October 31, 2000

Room 109 Old Main



*New Course Proposal, EDA 6600, Organizational Development in Educational Administration, 00-30.

*New Course Proposal, EDA 6800, Current Issues in Educational Administration, 00-31.

*New Course Proposal, FCS 5154, Medical Nutrition Therapy, 00-32.

*New Course Proposal, FCS 4750, Advanced Human Nutrition, 00-34.

*New Course Proposal, FCS 4751, Nutrition Therapy, 00-35.

*New Course Proposal, FCS 4940, Food Systems Management, 00-36.

*Proposed Policy Changes for Graduate Assistantships, 00-37.

*Proposed Policy Up-Date: Graduate Internships, 00-38.

*Proposed Up-Date: Graduate Independent Study, 00-39.

*Proposed Grading Policy change related to GA audit findings, 00-40.

*New Course Proposal, BIO 5208, Population Ecology, 00-41.

**New Certificate Proposal, Certificate in Quality Systems, 00-42.

**New Certificate Proposal, Certificate in Work Performance Improvement, 00-43.

*Proposed Revision to the MBA Concentration in Accountancy Program, 00-44.

*Proposed Policy Clarification: Semester Hours of Course Credits/Minutes of Instruction, 00-45.

*To be acted on at the 10-31-00 meeting.

**To be acted on at the 11-7-00 meeting.




This action approves the following to become effective immediately:

COS and INT courses 5000 and above to use "TEC" as a unified prefix for graduate courses in the School of Technology.