
The Council on Graduate Studies met at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 18, 2000, in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the MLK Union.

Members present: Dr. Costa, Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven,

Dr. Simpson, and Dr. Wayland.

Member absent: Ms. Heidel.

Staff present: Dr. Augustine, Graduate School, Ms. Herrington-Perry, Kathy Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

Guests present: Dr. Goldacker.

  1. Minutes .

The Minutes of December 7, 1999 were approved as published.

II. Communications.

    1. 12-2-99 Minutes of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).
    2. 12-3-99 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    3. Council of Graduate Studies recommendation regarding Ethical Treatment of Human Subjects.
    4. 12-7-99 Faculty Senate Minutes.
    5. 12-7-99 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    6. Course Proposal Format for New and Revised General Education Courses.
    7. 12-10-99 Minutes of College of Sciences Curriculum Committee.
    8. 12-14-99 Minutes from Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL).
    9. Executive Action (12-3-99) from the College of Sciences.
    10. Executive Action (12-10-99) from the College of Sciences.
    11. Executive Action (10-26-99) from Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences.


III. Agenda items 00-01 through 00-15.

Dr. Reven moved and Dr. Raybin seconded the motion to add the following items to the agenda.

Voting will be later.

    1. Reinstatement to Degree Candidacy.

00-02 Waiver of Enrollment Regulations for Graduate Assistantship.

00-03 Proposed Revision of Counseling and Student Development courses numbered 5540 and above.

00-04 Proposed Revision of Speech Communication Master's Degree.

00-05 Proposed Revision of SPC 5000, Introduction to Graduate Study.

00-06 New Course Proposal, SPC 5020, Communication Theory.

00-07 Proposed Revision of SPC 5510, Seminar in Rhetorical Theory.

00-08 Proposed Revision of SPC 5530, Operation and Regulation of Broadcast Stations.

00-09 New Course Proposal, SPC 5540, Seminar in Interpersonal Communication.

00-10 Proposed Revision of SPC 5620, Laboratory in Human Interaction.

00-11 Proposed Revision of SPC 5630, Seminar in Mass Communication.

00-12 New Course Proposal, SPC 5730, Communication Training and Development.

00-13 New Course Proposal, SPC 5740, Seminar in Organizational Communication.

00-14 New Course Proposal, SPC 5830, Applied Rhetorical Criticism.

00-15 New Course Proposal, SPC 5920, Creative Project.


 IV. Thesis Guidelines Manual, 98-43.

The Committee presented the proposal and answered questions from Dr. Goldacker. There were some editorial comments and revisions were made to the Manual. The motion to approve the revised proposal passed unanimously. (See the attachment to those minutes.)

This action approves the following to become effective immediately.

MANUAL CAN BE VIEWED AT: http://www.eiu.edu/~graduate/thsisgid.html

Dean Augustine requested that the Council suspend the rules and act on agenda items

    1. and 00-02. Dr. Wayland moved and Dr. Simpson seconded the motion.


V. Reinstatement to Degree Candidacy, 00-01.

Dean Augustine presented the information regarding a student petition for reinstatement and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed with a vote as follows:

YES: Dr. Emmett, Dr. Key, Dr. Lenihan, Dr. Liu, Dr. Raybin, Dr. Reven,

Dr. Simpson, and Dr. Wayland.

NO: Dr. Costa

VI. Waiver of Enrollment Regulations for Graduate Assistantship, 00-02.

Dean Augustine presented the information regarding a student waiver request and answered questions of the Council. The motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.

VII. Executive Director's Report

    1. Dean Augustine talked about the sessions he attended during his last conference. The first session he attended was on Certificate Programs and the second session was on Web Based Learning.
    2. At the Midwest Graduate School Meeting, Michael Dixon will be the guest speaker.
    3. Stacia Kuhn is working on the Graduate School Brochure.
    4. The On-Line Degree Audit will be up and working by Summer 2000.
    5. Dean Augustine discussed a conference on Certificate Programs that Susan Hankerson will be attending for the Graduate School.


The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Kathy Chancellor, Recording Secretary



Tuesday, February 1, 2000, 2:00 p.m.

Arcola/Tuscola Room, MLK Union




00-03 Proposed Revision of Counseling and Student Development courses renumbered 5540 and above.

00-04 Proposed Revision of Speech Communication, Master's Degree.

    1. Proposed Revision of SPC 5000, Introduction to Graduate Study.

00-06 New Course Proposal, SPC 5020, Communication Theory.

00-07 Proposed Revision of SPC 5510, Seminar in Rhetorical Theory.

00-08 Proposed Revision of SPC 5530, Operation and Regulation of Broadcast Stations.

00-09 New Course Proposal, SPC 5540, Seminar in Interpersonal Communication.

00-10 Proposed Revision of SPC 5620, Laboratory in Human Interaction.

00-11 Proposed Revision of SPC 5630, Seminar in Mass Communication.

00-12 New Course Proposal, SPC 5730, Communication Training and Development.

00-13 New Course Proposal, SPC 5740, Seminar in Organizational Communication.

00-14 New Course Proposal, SPC 5830, Applied Rhetorical Criticism.

00-15 New Course Proposal, SPC 5920, Creative Project.



Pending Executive Actions Items:

    1. PSY 5800 -- Change course number to "5400". Effective: Summer 2000.
    2. PSY 6970 – Add the following statement to the course description: "May be repeated for a credit if a different topic is taught." Effective: Fall 2000.
    3. PSY 5970 – Change course credits from "(3-0-3)" to "(2-0-2) or (3-0-3)".
    4. The School of Business Curriculum Committee has proposed the "admission to the School of Business or permission of the Associate Chair" be added to the prerequisite for the following business courses, effective Fall Semester 2000.

ACC 4750 COM 4800 FIN 4820 MGT 4800

ACC 4800 COM 4810 FIN 4830 MGT 4950